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Faked out

"We have the real fake."

 "No, no, yours is a fake fake. We have the real fake."

So it goes as both the Heritage Auction Galleries of Texas and the South Shore Convention and Visitors Authority of Indiana claim to have the "authentic" pretend gun John Dillinger used to break out of the Crown Point jail. After several paragraphs of claims and counter-claims, the story notes:

The debate is difficult to resolve because of the mythic lore surrounding Dillinger. Some people say the gun was actually made of soap, others say it was a real gun and still others say Dillinger never used a prop to escape from jail.

Well, that wasn't a waste of time. We can blow a hole in the moon, but we can't figure out which fake gun is the real fake gun?

Posted in: History, Hoosier lore


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