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Those dastarldy Poles

Seventy years ago this week the war began that saw millions die. But Pat Buchanan says wasn't the fault of Hitler, who was just a peace-loving guy goaded into war by Poland's stubborness, made possible by a war guarantee from Britain:

But if Hitler was out to conquer the world — Britain, Africa, the Middle East, the United States, Canada, South America, India, Asia, Australia — why did he spend three years building that hugely expensive Siegfried Line to protect Germany from France? Why did he start the war with no surface fleet, no troop transports and only 29 oceangoing submarines? How do you conquer the world with a navy that can't get out of the Baltic Sea?

I don't know if this is the ultimate "blame the victim" argument, but it is at least the equal of the rants from the nuts who say those killed in the twin towers on 9/11 had only themselves to blame.

Posted in: History


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