Here's some research that seems totally bogus to me. A couple of applied mathematicians at the University of Vermont have concluded that Monday, far from being the most miserable day of the week, is actually the second-happiest. They state that we are at our absolute lowest on Wednesdays:
They studied 2.4million blogs and messages left on social networking website Twitter during the past four years. Based on the number of negative and positive words used, the mathematicians worked out on which days we were happiest.
They found that Sunday was the happiest day of the week as bloggers wrote about their Saturday nights, while Monday took second place as bloggers were still feeling positive about their weekends.
But by the middle of the week, they had reached their lowest point presumably as the daily grind of work becomes all consuming and their memories of the weekend fade.
But if you're writing about your fun Saturday night, that does not make Sunday your happiest day just because that's when you're writing about your Saturday night. And "feeling positive" about your weekend does not make Monday a happy day.
But I agree that Monday is not the worst day -- Sunday is, especially Sunday night as I start thinking about the long work week ahead. Friday, from late afternoon to early evening, is the absolute best, because there is the whole weekend to look forward to.
Anybody who does research based on blog and Twitter postings should