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Happy !@%$ anniversary

Here is an anniversary we shouldn't let pass without comment. Yesterday was the 25th anniversary of one of the most famous moments in Indiana sports history. And, as ESPN reminds us, it almost didn't happen:

Today we're accustomed to seeing Coach Knight in a sweater. But the thing that made Feb. 23, 1985, so interesting -- and a possible reason why the chair was even tossed in the first place -- was the fact that it was an unseasonably warm day. Knight had always worn a sport coat and tie on the sidelines until that very day! With Indiana struggling, Knight decided to "change things up" and wear a golf shirt. IU Athletics director Ralph Floyd told him afterward that if the coach had worn his usual sport coat, he probably would have thrown that and not the chair. Knight agreed with him.

We'll never see the likes again. Really. The chairs in the Bloomington arena are now locked to one another.

I think we should petition the Olympic committee to have chair tossing added as a winter sport. It wouldn't even be the strangest one. I mean, some of those curling babes are kinda hot, but come on.


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