I thought Liz Brown was merely running for mayor. But I heard on WOWO this morning that she is actually throwing her hat into the ring. And Liz herself is even more explicit about her plans:
To really change the processes, to really cut spending, to really make this city business friendly, we need a leader who is willing to upset the apple cart a little bit.
I always throw my hat into the ring before I upset the apple cart; otherwise, it just gets in the way. If Liz is going to get even more violent, if she wants to, say, throw caution to the wind or throw somebody under the bus or to the wolves, or throw caution to the wind or throw her weight around or throw down the gauntlet or, heaven forbid, throw the baby out with the bathwater, she will have to be cool as a cucumber when she takes on some of those hot potatoes or else she'll be in a pickle and get accused of comparing apples to oranges. She might then go bananas and then it'll be nothing but sour grapes.
Then, of course, she would have to throw in the towel.