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A fast-food lesson

Gee, just think. If I'd stuck with the job I had to make money in high school, I could have had a real career:

A woman in Evansville, Indiana, has been working at McDonald's for nearly 40 years.

89-year-old Loraine Maurer says the reason she's continued to work at the town's very first McDonald's is that she's happy.

Maurer says she could have become a manager years ago, but chose to work the counter instead, so she can visit with all the customers.

All kidding aside, I wonder how many kids get their first lessons about how the world really works from part-time jobs at McDonald's. My stint there taught be the function of money as a trading of my time earning it for the time of others providing what I want to have. "Time is money" is one of the truer bromides around. When we ask "What's it worth?" we are really asking "How much of our time is it worth to have something?" Since time is the only commodity we really have, it's among the most profound questions.

Thanks, MickeyD's.


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