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Curren events

Unnatural causes

So, this 46-year-old Chicago resident wins $1 million in the lottery and then dies of cyanide poisoning, which apparently is suspicious enough to warrant an investigation even in the Windy City. What caught my eye was the fact that his death was originally ruled to be "from natural causes":

Twist and switch

Alanis Morissette, please pay attention:

When Long Beach, Indiana, native John G. Roberts was up for confirmation to become U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice, he did not get the vote of then U.S. Sen. Barack Obama.

Wedding bell blues

I must have outrage burnout, because here's a controversy I just can't seem to get worked up over:

A secular group has filed a federal lawsuit claiming Indiana's marriage law is unconstitutional because it doesn't allow people without religious or civic authority to perform marriages.
