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Hoosier lore

Regional politics

Religion can be harmful in the workplace:

A human resources manager was concerned for the safety of Muslim women she saw climbing steep ladders while holding their long skirts in one hand to reach their Toronto UPS work stations.

"It was terrifying. I wouldn't want to do what they were doing. It caused me great concern," Michelle Skabar told Canadian Human Rights Tribunal panel chair Karen Jensen yesterday.

May I be helpful here? Shorter skirts!

A slight downturn

If a man has fallen (or jumped) from the roof of a 20-story building, does it matter whether or not he acknowledges, at about the 10th floor, that he indeed seems to be in mid-flight headed toward an unpleasant landing?

Ball State University economist Michael Hicks has been among the holdouts who have insisted, for months now, that the economy had not slipped into recession. On Monday, Hicks said he's changed his mind: We're in a recession.

Counting votes

Birch Bayh spoke in Terre Haute and told Democrats that every vote matters, which is slightly different and more truthful than the cliche that every vote counts. He noted that he first won as U.S. senator by a margin of victory that amounted to two votes per precinct:

Dead heat

Yesterday was the last day to register and the first day to vote early. Registration is at an all-time high of more than 4.4 million -- nearly 70 percent of the state's 6.3 million residents. A new poll shows what the fuss is all about:

The numbers are even: 46 percent for Barack Obama and 46 percent for John McCain. Three percent named another candidate and just five percent are undecided.

Bizarro World

I saw a presidential campaign ad last night in which we were warned that we could not afford a certain candiate's new tax plan, which would cost taxpayers another $3 trillion. The ad was on behalf of Democrat Barack Obama, and we were being warned about Republican John McCain. I haven't felt so disoriented since last week, when I read this and realized it wasn't Obama, either:

Lousy game, great five minutes

I don't know how I'd rank the Colts' comeback yesterday on a technical basis, but on the emotional-satisfaction level, it has to rank in my top five of all time. The team slid after its Super Bowl year, and this year looks to be even worse. So to see them go from being down 27-10 to winning 31-27 in the space of about five minutes was nothing less than exhilarating. It was especially welcome at the end of a very long week with nothing but diaster after disaster coming from Washington.

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports


You suppose this guy went through all through school thinking this would be the mark of his success? Think this will be in the first paragraph of his obit?

U.S. Agriculture Secretary Ed Schafer has re-appointed a southern Indiana man to represent producers on the federal Lamb Promotion, Research and Information Board.

[. . .]


Do you trust these people to, a) know what questions to ask and, b) understand the right answer if they hear it?

State lawmakers want some answers about gasoline prices.

A commission made up of Indiana House and Senate members plans to hold a hearing at the Statehouse Wednesday to examine gasoline pricing policies in Indiana.

[. . .]

Keep it coming

Didn't the federal government just spend $700 billion of our money to address this problem?

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jill Long Thompson used a Friday appearance in Jeffersonville to talk up a plan that would use mediators to renegotiate mortgages on the verge of foreclosure.

It's part of a legislative package for which she would push to address home loan foreclosures if elected next month.

Time out

Don't think so:

Two days before voters go to the polls to pick Indiana's next governor, they'll have to turn back their clocks an hour as daylight saving time comes to an end for the year.

For Gov. Mitch Daniels, who pushed the controversial time change through the legislature during his first year in office, the timing couldn't be worse.
