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Hoosier lore

Prescription for change

When Indiana is one of only two states refusing to go to daylight-saving time, we can have fun arguing about it. Some can even claim that we're merely iconoclastic mavericks, not backward-looking obstructionists who never want to give up "the way it's always been." But what about being the only state still refusing to let physician assistants write prescriptions, even in a time of medically underserved areas and looming doctor shortages?

Posted in: Hoosier lore

The loyal opposition

Mike Pence, seeking the GOP leadership of the U.S. House, has annoyed the Indiana Democratic Party by urging fellow House Republicans to use their “talents and expertise to dismantle Democratic arguments and expose their liberal, big government agenda at every turn.”

On Saturday, a spokeswoman for the Indiana Democratic Party called the Indiana congressman's statement pessimistic and antagonistic.

Bayh: Now we must deliver

Considering the way the election went Tuesday, you'd think it would be Republicans trying to reach out to the middle. But here's Evan Bayh, telling his party to avoid extremism:

Sen. Evan Bayh, a potential 2008 presidential candidate, told reporters from USA TODAY and Gannett on Thursday that most Americans don't know what Democrats stand for despite the party's electoral success.

A quiet night at home

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Good times, bad times

Oh, God, two years of risking sight of Pat Bauer's hideous hairpiece every time I turn to the TV news. And wouldn't you know he just has to go after DST:

Bauer says Tuesday's vote will allow him to reassess the House prayer appeal, privatization and Daylight Saving Time.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Cougar's corner

The Onion nails it. If you're annoyed by those Chevy truck ads using the new John Mellencamp song (whatever happened to waiting at least a decade before turning a pop song into a commercial?), check this out:

The high quality and enduring value of the new 2007 Honda Accord has inspired roots-rock veteran John Mellencamp to write a stirring hymn about the working-class nation of Japan.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

These seats ain't cheap

Here's some really good number-crunching from the Lafayette Jouranl & Courier on how much Indiana's congressional races have contributed to local economies:

The party line

Russ Pulliam of the Indianapolis Star does a profile of Mark Souder under the headline "Incumbent doesn't walk the party line."

Uniform education

Eugene White, who was in Fort Wayne Community Schools for 19 years and is now superintendent of Indianapolis Public Schools, actually seems to think adults should be in charge of schools:

Posted in: Hoosier lore

It's the stupid economy

The Christian Science Monitor focuses on Indiana's 2nd Congressional District in a piece explaining that, the voters' displeasure with Iraq notwithstanding, "the economy" is still a powerful force in the upcoming election:
