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Hoosier lore

No place is safe

It was bad enough when the perverts found sites like Facebook.com and MySpace.com. Now the politicians are flocking there:

Look up Evan Bayh in the Congressional Directory and you'll find he's a second-term senator from Indiana who serves on the Intelligence and Armed Services Committees.

Check out Bayh on Facebook.com, and you get something akin to a politician channeling his inner teen.


This isn't just a "dog found after 16 days lost in the wilderness" story. It also makes Paxton, Ill., sound like a pretty good place to live. It sounds like a lot of people in town spent their spare time looking for the couple's dog:

Posted in: Hoosier lore

One every minute

And you thought only senior citizens and reclusives who hide their money under the mattress were susceptible to scams:

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Open court

So far, it looks as if the experiment to allow cameras into a few Indiana courtrooms is going well. The feared grandstanding by attorneys or witnesses being intimidated hasn't happened -- in fact, people seem more prepared, and there is more civility. Of course, there is a downside or two:

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Asimov's last question

OK, Big Red, I know this is 2006, not 2061, but let's get the ball rolling: How may entropy be reversed? And don't give me any of that "There is insufficient data for a meaningful answer," stuff, or I'll just start asking the Internet, which is probably going to end up being Multivac anyway.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Stopping traffic

Posted in: Hoosier lore

No respect

Gary teachers, apparently overwhelmingly in favor of a strike, say they get no respect:

". . .They feel nobody cares about them and that officials question their intellect by sending in people to tell them how to teach,” Irons said.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Digging up the past

Everything-old-is-new-again department -- a fascinating look at the evolution of the funeral industry, including the news that, because of escalating costs, some people are going back to the way our ancestors did things:

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Prominent perverts

Thanks to the Internet, we're not seeing perverts just from the dregs of society but from all walks of life:

The growing availability of the Internet helps explains the child pornography arrests of a police officer, a community leader and a high school teacher in the Muncie area this year, an expert said.

Molly's folly

Molly Ivins, ever on the search for fuel to feed her pathological hatred of George Bush, finally discovers Indiana's enormous list of "terror targets," weeks after almost everyone else has mined all the obvious humor from it and moved on:

Posted in: Hoosier lore