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Hoosier lore

Straw dogs

At least here's one gun-control measure that makes sense:

Straw purchases are those where one person fills out the legal forms and makes the purchase for another. The ruse is illegal and often used by convicted felons and others who cannot legally possess firearms. In addition to a possible 10-year prison sentence, violators also face a possible fine of up to $250,000.

It's nice to see someone trying to disarm the predators instead of their potential victims for a change.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

A corny sentiment

A nice piece in the Star about the pleasures of corn on the cob:

A good player, but no defense

What a classy guy:

DETROIT — Ron Artest, who was tagged as temperamental and volatile during his first few years in the NBA, wasn't apologetic and defended his actions in the November 2004 brawl at a Pistons game as he talked Wednesday to children at a community centre.

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

Casino royale

PR geniuses at work:

Two groups of Harrison and Floyd residents gave Caesars Indiana casino overwhelmingly high marks yesterday for improving their community.

The casino's tax revenues and incentive payments to two local community foundations have helped pay for college scholarships, adult-education programs and an array of projects.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

No sweat for Souder

The GOP is apparently still worried only about three congressional races in Indiana -- keeping the seats for incumbents John Hostettler, Chris Chocola and Mike Sodrel:

The White House and top Republicans are nervously watching, fearful that if they can't win these districts in a state Bush carried with 60 percent of the vote, are prospects for preserving their majority bleak?

Hey, watch this!

Natural selection at work:

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. A 21-year-old man suffered severe burns to his face and head when he ignited a mortar-style firework that he taped to an old football helmet and placed on his head.

Here's the part I know will shock you:

Police say Kaleb Spangler of Bloomington attempted the stunt while drinking at a party . . .

Posted in: Hoosier lore

The wrong number

I can appreciate the need to make something sound unique, especially if you've invested a lot of time and effort in an investigative report. But this number doesn't have quite the impact I think the newspaper would like it to have:

A newspaper investigation finds that the Indiana Toll Road ranks first in the state among highways in deaths per mile.The South Bend Tribune reports that 19 people were killed on the Toll Road in 2005 and eleven have died so far this year on the 157-mile highway.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Off our meds

During the recent years of "declining crime rates," a lot of theories were expressed, most of them junk. Now that the rate seems to be going the other way, the experts are trotted out again, with equally lame theories. The one that rings truest for me is this one:

Come home, we miss you

This is an effort that probably has to be made, but I'm not sure how successful it will be:

Posted in: Hoosier lore

What, no pork tenderloin?

The governor drops by for a northeast Indiana visit, but only for smaller newspapers -- the Fort Wayne media (gasp!) were not invited:

Posted in: Hoosier lore