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Missing MCL

I love having a lot of food choices, and would have had a grand time at this buffet:

In all, 510 dishes were set in front of the crowd Tuesday. Each one had to be certified distinct by a Guinness World Record adjudicator.

They ranged from Mongolian chicken and salmon Wellington to creme brulee and homemade apple pie.

Posted in: Our town

Concrete corn

Call me crazy, but I liked our mastodon display a lot better than this one:

Maybe it's supposed to be ironic, this former corn field, sprouting 109 people-sized ears of concrete corn in a large oddball art display. But it's also a salute to Sam Frantz, an inventor of hybrid corns, and a very weird sight along the highway.

Posted in: Our town

Call it a flu vacation

There's been a lot of discussion about how prepared we might be medically in case of a bird flu pandemic. But not a lot of attention has been paid to how a serious quarantine would play out. Schools, for example, might have to cope with keeping education going while being closed for weeks:

Schools may be ordered to close to prevent spreading the disease.

Posted in: Our town

Going South

Like Cindy Larson, I'm a resident of the south side -- never domiciled in any other part of town except for a few months after the Army when I lived with a friend in a trailer park off of North Clinton and then shared an apartment with two other people at Centlivre. Also like Cindy, I've been dismayed by the diminishing shopping choices there, and I have fond memories of Southtown.

Posted in: Our town

Walk it off

If you want to help Fort Wayne get off the list of fattest, laziest, whatever city, you should walk more and get fit. The good news is that Fort Wayne is No. 66 on Prevention magazine's list of 100 best walking cities:

Posted in: Our town

Union heaven

The disciplinary action against the two Snider wrestling coaches doesn't make a lot of sense, does it? Because of public-intoxication charges stemming from a confrontation in an Indianapolis restaurant, they will lose their coaching jobs for at least two years but will stay in the classroom except for a three-day suspension. The usual reason for an employer to take action against somebody who has committed a misdemeanor when on his own time is that it somehow affects his job.

Posted in: Our town

The other shoe

Akr I hadn't written about the impending Knight Ridder sale because it was so unsettlingly uncertain. What would I say? Better to wait until the sale, collect my thoughts and then share my observations. Well, now the sale has happened, and things are as uncertain as ever, at least for some of us. McClatchy Co. has bought the company but plans to sell off 12 of the newspapers, including The News-Sentinel in Fort Wayne.

Dollars and sense

Caught part of the Pat White show on WOWO driving home yesterday afternoon. They were talking about the Simon Rios case, and a point was brought up that I raised in an editorial this week: Should both Allen County and Delaware County prosecutors seek the death penalty for him, as a hedge against a jury in either jurisdiction deciding it only wanted to go as high as life without parole? An attorney named Rob called in and said this (I paraphrase):

Posted in: Our town

...where the neon signs are pretty

The Journal Gazette's Sunday Perspective section presented what was probably meant to be a comprehensive look at downtown redevelopment. But the effort seemed a lot like the downtown initiatives themselves -- isolated looks at individual projects, without any sense that an overall vision is in play. A baseball stadium is problematic. People living downtown is a pretty good idea.

Posted in: Our town

Twisted love

What in the world are we to do about a woman like this?

A 28-year-old Fort Wayne woman hesitantly testified Tuesday in Allen Superior Court about being held against her will and sexually assaulted by a man she still loves.

The man, Anthony W. Shepard, 25, is charged with one count each of criminal deviate conduct, criminal recklessness, intimidation, domestic battery and invasion of privacy, and two counts of criminal confinement.
