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Hoosier lore

Minor hassle

Looks like state legislators were a little too quick to get rid of that "much-ridiculed law" to make alcohol sellers check all IDS, regardless of the customers' ages:

Got the cheat gene?

A couple of Indiana University researchers are in on another crack sexuality study, this one exploring the reasons people cheat:

“This research shows that demographic variables may not influence decision-making as much as previously thought — that personality matters more, especially for men.”

So, those with cheating personalities will cheat. Gooooooollee. I think Hank Williams was on to that way back in the 1950s: Your cheatin' heart will tell on you.

The challenger

Welcome to politics, Mr. Businesman. The main rule is to win:

Hoosiers used to the big ideas of Gov. Mitch Daniels' time in office may find themselves a tad parched as they wait for ideas from the early front-runner in the race to succeed him in November 2012.

BFFs no longer

If you become known as "President Obama's favorite Republican" and face a primary challenge from your right, it's probably smart to come out early with a strong ad:



But Chris Chocola of the Club for Growth, which ran an ant-Lugar ad recently, isn't buying it:

The great divide

The National Journal has an article using neighbors Indiana and Illinois to illustrate the increasingly divergent paths of Red States and Blue States:

The great divide

The National Journal has an article using neighbors Indiana and Illinois to illustrate the increasingly divergent paths of Red States and Blue States:

Sleep it off

There was an episode of "M*A*S*H" in which Hawkeye was mistakenly listed as dead, and the Army maddeningly insisted on treating him as dead until all the paperwork was properly filled in and properly filed. A Morristown, Ind., man is going through something similar. When he got divorced, his wife was mad at him, so she told the BMV he had narcolepsy. Despite numerous notes from his doctor that he does not have the chronic sleep disorder, the BMV keeps making him take more tests and taking his license away from him.

The ultimate

Perhaps ny quest for the perfect coney dog will lead me to the conclusion that I have to make my own sauce. Here's a recipe from John Whiten of southern Indiana which is claimed to be "the ultimate coney sauce."

John Wilhelm's Coney Island Sauce

3 pounds ground beef

2 19-ounce cans tomato puree

2 tablespoons chili powder

1 tablespoon mustard

Drop the pen, pal

You want to find an in-the-pen pal, you're on your own:

A federal court has upheld an Indiana Department of Correction policy that prohibits prisoners from advertising for pen-pals.

Indiana prison inmates had filed a class action suit against the state challenging the policy, claiming it violated their constitutional right of free speech.

Down on th

Amen -- it's time to kick farmers off the federal dole:

Many city folk have an emotional attachment to a way of life they have never experienced.  The image of the “family farm” possesses particular appeal.
