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Aloneness within the congregation

I just stumbled across this nearly three-year-old NPR piece on my favorite painting by one of my favorite artists. "Nighthawks" for some reason has always reminded me of the Powers hamburger place rather than a typical diner. I can just imagine somebody walking by on Harrison Street in the 1940s, looking in and wondering who the people were and where they would go next. That was Edward Hopper's genius.

Posted in: Our town

Gas pains

Gas_prices_1 Certainly it's instructive to put gas prices in perspective. When you compare their increases to the bumps in costs of things like homes, college tuition and medical insurance, gas is a real bargain, as freebuck.com demonstrates.

Posted in: Our town

Time for the adults to take charge

The 5-Alive Guide for helping keep youthful drivers safe is such a good idea that it gets a favorable mention in editorials in both the evening and morning newspapers. This is something the kids will hope their parents don't read, because if they do, the first few years of driving won't be nearly as fun as they had imagined. Or as deadly as the parents fear.

Posted in: Blogroll, Our town

The Curbside Challenge

The answers for the quizzes posted here in the last three days:

Downtown quiz, Part 1: What does Reservoir Park have that downtown needs? Answer: park benches. Downtown quiz, Part 2: What is missing from this stop on a downtown walking tour? Answer: park benches. Downtown quiz, Part 3: What does this site have that the rest of downtown needs more of? Answer: park benches. Kind of a theme there. (Watch the video.)

This brings us to:

The Curbside Challenge

Posted in: Blogroll, Our town

Downtown quiz, Part 3

Masty What does this site have plenty of that the rest of downtown doesn't have enough of? Answer to all three parts of the quiz tomorrow.

Posted in: Blogroll, Our town

Does anybody know what time it is?

Here's the deal: Daylight-saving time is now a reality in Indiana. You can skip the "fall back" part in a couple of months, but be prepared, as difficult as it might be to think about, to "spring forward" by setting your clocks an hour ahead when the time comes. And forget about the time zone -- it isn't going to change.

Downtown quiz, Part 2

Botanical A nice stop on our downtown walking tour, but what's missing?

Posted in: Blogroll, Our town

And we don't mean potatoes

This is the kind of thing that gets people in other parts of the country exercised but doesn't seem to gain much traction here, even though "Redskins" (as in North Side High School) is surely on the more-objectionable end of the spectrum (as opposed to, say, "Indians").

Posted in: Our town, Sports

Downtown quiz, Part 1

Reservoir_1 What does Reservoir Park have that downtown needs? Stayed tuned for the answer and details.

Posted in: Our town

Sweetheart, get me rewrite

You can't trust anything you read on-line, because bloggers are just a bunch of nerds in pajamas, typing away in the middle of the night without editors or fact-checkers. Newspapers and TV news operations are arrogant elitists still trying to filter information for people who want to decide for themselves what's important.
