It's amazing how such a little thing can please us so much:
After missing several days last week, National Serv-All said it is now caught up in trash pick-ups.
Icy weather and the Christmas holiday last week put a large portion of Fort Wayne's trash pickup to a halt as garbage began to pile up at street corners throughout the city. A number of complaints were also called in to The News-Sentinel about the situation.
Those complaints should come to an end this week, however, National Serv-All spokesman Bob Young said.
I had one week of garbage already in the can by the alley and another week's worth in bags in the Florida room. Those bags contained all the food I took from the refrigerator when the power came back on after serveral days, so they presented a tricky problem. Put them out too soon, and the animals would scatter everything. Leave them in the house too long, and, well . . . When I heard them announce that we should now put our garbage out "on the regular day," I took a chance that they meant the regular holiday day, in other words a day later than usual. So that's what I did on Friday night, and on Saturday some men came and took it all away!
Normality. I almost wept with joy.
I'm surprised you didn;t try keeping the frozen food outside in some sort of plastic tote...that could have kept some of the food from being tossed.
We were thinking of doing that "if" we lost power...our garage is like a meat locker, anyway...LOL
But we did have our usual "bevy of bozos" that had not CLUE ONE as to WHEN to place bins outside (they obviously don't read, apparently do not watch TV news, and basically pay as little attention as possible when it comes to how the city works.
The result:
CROWS...and LOTS of 'em!
(damn fine target practice for the BB pistols, I must say)
Still, when you need a real "go-to" guy for solid waste disposal, I'd give MATT GRATZ a ring up.
He's got his finger on the pulse of Serv-All, believe you me.
He will let you know WHAT, WHEN and WHERE, and he does it with alacrity!
He will even drive into the neighborhoods to MAKE SURE things are done, and done right.
Of ALL the city departments...he's the boss of the best. (then again, Dawn Ritchie taught him well when he was but a padawan)
Yes, strong in the ""Force" Matt Gratz is!
I did save all the stuff in my freezer. Thanks for the tip of Gratz.