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Like, wow

Ahhh, a warm and fuzzy Facebook story:

When two sisters outside Boston asked their parents for a puppy, their dad posed a challenge: Get a million likes on Facebook and then we'll talk.

So the Mansfield, Mass., children took Ryan Cordell up on his offer, Boston NBC affiliate WHDH reported. The kids' mom took a picture of them with a sign that said:

Hi World...We want a puppy! Our dad said we could get one if we get 1 million likes! He doesn't think we can do it! So "LIKE" this!

They created a Facebook page "Twogirlsandapuppy,"  on Tuesday and posted the photo. The response went viral: within six hours the photo hit the million mark, according to WHDH.

Opps -- there's a dark side:

So this is majorly depressing: Petter Kverneng, a teenage boy in Norway, really wanted to have sex with his crush Cathrine, though she wasn’t particularly into it. So she — allegedly — told him she’d have sex with him if he could get one million likes on Facebook.

[. . .]

The tally is currently at 1.2 million and rising.

Any tool can be used for good or ill, right? You decide which is which. Wait till the real weirdos come out: "If I don't get a million likes, I'm gonna blow up City Hall."
