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The law and the jungle

The family plan


Indiana's juvenile detention centers have been enlisted in a study exploring whether incarcerated youths' behavior can be improved by increasing their visits with relatives.

The red state front lines

While we've been duking it out in Indiana over whether to move our gay marriage ban from the law to the state constitution, judges in Utah and Oklahoma have ruled those states' limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples violates the U.S. Constitution on equal protection grounds. The language and the reasoning used have become pretty standard in eliminating "moral disapproval" as a rationale for laws:

A fair shot

Alaska State Rep. and Vietnam veteran Bob Lynn wants to lower the drinking age from 21 to 18 for active-duty service members, using the rationale that "if you can get shot at, you can have a shot." Should Republicans get on that particualr bandwagon?

Pot prisoners

At first glance, this doesn't seem right, and yet . . .

You'd have to be living under a rock to not know about what's happening in Colorado - it's marijuana mayhem! Weed has finally become legal for retail sale in that state, and more might follow. And yet, there are still hundreds of marijuana convicts sitting in jail.

And apparently, not granting "retroactive ameliorative relief" is official policy.

Cold comfort


Standing ground

The New York Times is dismayed -- downtirght shocked, I tell you! -- that a gun magazine would be so absolutist about gun rights and so uniformly hostile to gun control. Then it trots out the familiar leftist argument that "all constitutional rights are regulated," managing to count a lot of trees while missing the forest. James Taranto reacts:

If it can happen in Utah . . .

Question: Do you think Indiana legislators are paying attention to what's happening in Utah? Answer: They'd be crazy not to.

A federal judge in Utah — who last week issued a controversial ruling allowing same-sex marriages — on Monday denied the state’s request for a stay.

License to cohabit

This is just one ruling by one judge, but I think it's pretty indicative of where we are as a society and where we're headed:

Traffic stopper

Is this the kind of story that makes you go, "Awwww"?

An awesome Indiana police officer is making sure that no one gets left behind -- not even stuffed members of the family.

Shhh, they're listening
