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Back up, harlots!

If I may be so bigoted as to criticize someone else's religious practices, this is just plain nuts:

JERUSALEM - It's the latest prescription for extreme ultra-Orthodox Jewish men who shun contact with the opposite sex: Glasses that blur their vision, so they don't have to see women they consider to be immodestly dressed.

[. . .]

The ultra-Orthodox community's unofficial "modesty patrols" are selling glasses with special blur-inducing stickers on their lenses. The glasses provide clear vision for up to a few meters so as not to impede movement, but anything beyond that gets blurry — including women. It's not known how many have been sold.

Clear vision for up to a few meters but anything beyond that gets blurry. Huh. Seems like a pretty good metaphor for the modern condition to me. Old joke: Yeah, but I'll quit when my vision gets blurry.


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