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Land of Lincoln

I have mixed feelings about all the Lincoln Museum stuff staying in Indiana. On the one hand, it reflects the dedication and hard work of a lot of people, and it certainly will be good for the state and Fort Wayne. But part of the problem with the museum was that it didn't have enough visitors. With the collection being split up -- written docutments at the Allen County Public Library, 3D artifacts at the Indiana State Museum in Indianapolis -- and with both halfs being part of something bigger instead of being just a Lincoln collection, I wonder how many people will see the stuff. Part of what made the museum special was that it was the largest private collection of Lincoln memorabilia available. If the goal is for people to have the Lincoln experience and marvel at that part of our history, maybe it would have been better for the collection to stay together, wherever it might have been housed.

Oh, well. At least I can say for certain that this reaction is a little mean spirited:

I have a message for our neighbors in Illinois: You no longer deserve Abraham Lincoln. After nearly 180 years, Indiana is reclaiming Honest Abe.

Our case is clear.

Things stink in the so-called Land of Lincoln and have for a long time. In recent years, Illinois governors have been in trouble with the law more often than the Indiana Pacers. And the voters of Illinois have proved, time and again, that they don't mind a helping of corruption alongside their politics.

We spawned Jim Jones, John Dillinger and Charles Manson, too, so let's not get too cocky.


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