At, the "Dear Prudence" column gets a Halloween letter:
At, the "Dear Prudence" column gets a Halloween letter:
Huh. Apparently, you can call a terrorist a terrorist instead of "a suspect in an alleged incident of workplace violence."
Speaking for the first time since a gunman attacked parliament earlier today, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper called the week’s multiple assaults “a grim reminder that Canada is not immune to the types of terrorist attacks we have seen elsewhere around the world.”
We're just finding this out now? Evidence supports officer's account of shooting in Ferguson, The Washington Post is reporting:
If you've been in an office very long at all, you've undoubtedly had to endure more than one brainstorming session, those gatherings that usually produce little more than a stiff breeze. "Remember, there are no stupid ideas!" Remember that?
That's not the way creativity really works. Here's Isaac Asmimov, in a recently discovered, until now unpublished essay:
Michigan now has a "right to try" law for terminal patients:
CDC Director Thomas Frieden has "expressed regret" (love those weasel words) that he kept saying "Hey, we can handle this Ebola thing" when we clearly weren't ready for it:
Happy Columbus Day! Or are you one of those Indigenous People's Day weenies?
For the first time this year, Seattle and Minneapolis will recognize the second Monday in October as "Indigenous People's Day." The cities join a growing list of jurisdictions choosing to shift the holiday's focus from Christopher Columbus to the people he encountered in the New World and their modern-day descendants.
It's finally here, the Ebola story we knew was coming: