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Hoosier lore

Letter perfect

The state ranks Indiana's public schools with names that a lot of average people might not immediately grasp the significance of: exemplary progress, commendable progress, academic progress, academic watch or academic probation. How much better than commendable is exemplary, or is it even better? What's the difference between watch and probation? What the heck is "academic" progress?

A fantasy fulfilled

Gruesome details are emerging in the case of the Rising Sun, Ind., 17-year old who is accused of killing his 10-year-old brother. Authorities say Andrew Conley showed no remorse or emotion as he described choking Conner Conley for about 20 minutes, then striking his head on the ground several times before putting the body in the trunk of his car and driving to his girlfriend's house.

In the nick of time

Well, finally, everybody line up for your shots. You don't have to be a high-risk patient:

Ho, ho, ho, amen

Is this incredibly tacky, or am I just being overly critical?

You are invited to a birthday party. Each year, Hobart businessman Nino Bruscemi gives a birthday party for Jesus on the first Saturday in December.

At noon Saturday at the gazebo in back of Hobart City Hall, there will be a parade with about 100 children in angel costumes, a live manger scene and guest singers. Santa Claus will pass out birthday cake.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Bad fans

Lots of outlets have carried the news that Indiana University basketball coach Tom Crean was "incensed" over IU fans chanting vulgarities during the game with Maryland, especially the ones aimed at Maryland senior guard Greivis Vasquez. But they were so coy about what was actually said that I couldn't determine whether I should agree with him or not. This report is typically unhelpful:

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

Hurts so good

Sorry, kid, I think your old dad is just stringing you along:

By the numbers

I don't mean to make light of the problem of student homelessness, but neither do I appreciate numbers being used in such a way to make it sound worse than it actually is:

Here and now

Those who get frustated at the lack of cooperation by Fort Wayne and Allen County public officials should count themselves lucky for at least not living in northwest Indiana. Here, a Gary Post-Tribune columnist is driven over the edge by all the initiatives that are brought forth with great fanfare, then sent to task forces to die:

Talk, talk, talk.


Gee, do ya think he could be right? Guy gets called by girlfried to come to a house to "see their baby," and as soon as he walks in the door, he is hit in the face and "stomped on" by two suspects who have the same last name as his girlfriend:

The victim told police he believes his girlfriend "set him up."

Might be time to rethink that relationship.


I watched the New Orleans-New England game on "Monday Night Football" with the hazy notion of rooting for the Patriots, just because it would be cool for the Colts to be the only undefeated team left. But it turns out that rooting for New England is just about impossible if you don't actually live there, and the Saints aren't just good the way the Colts are good. They are scary good, and it would have been almost sacrilegous not to cheer on such skill.

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports