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The law and the jungle

South side blues

This is a tricky one to comment on:

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WANE) - Merlin Seslar Jr. spent Monday packing his belongings into a U-Haul and moving across town.

"I'm sad to leave my home, but I have to protect my child, protect myself and protect everything I own," Seslar said.

Nothing to see here

Hyperbole of the day:

 After the U.S. Senate voted to pass the motion to proceed to floor debate on the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) claimed that this bill would solve illegal immigration and secure the border.

Spreading stupidity

I know I've remarked more that once that this is the stupidest thing in Indiana law (since the repeal of the provision making us promise to use our fireworks out of state, anyway), but it's worth noting that the stupidity is apparently spreading:

On the lookout

A desperate descent into panic or a creative search for a solution?

ANTIOCH (CBS SF) – The shorthanded Antioch Police Department is enlisting the help of local garbage collectors and letter carriers to spot crime on city streets.

Knife fight

Chains of command

This is a tough one:

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, and top officers from each branch of the military will comment on legislation meant to stem a rise in sexual assault cases.

The 5-4 gotcha

Hot pursuit

Running hot on cold

An interesting question:

Indiana is the only state that gives liquor stores a monopoly on retail cold beer sales. And with liquor stores closed on Sundays, people who want cold beer need to plan ahead or slip across the state line.

