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Hoosier lore

Rude gesture

I like this ornery cuss's spirit:

A New Albany man isn't happy about an increase in property taxes so today, he made his feelings known in a public way.

He showed up to pay more than $21,000 in taxes, using dollar coins in protest of taxes which have gone up 48% over the last two years.

Smoked out

Indiana University is working to add teeth to its nearly year-old smoking ban, because too many students are flouting the rules that forbid lighting up in all public places, which includes the outdoors. In a story about the effort, a univeristy official has a weak moment and blurts out the truth:

Dan Rives, associate vice president for administration with IU human resources, said the ban is about changing behavior, which can't happen overnight.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

A good walk spoiled spoiled

The economic downturn has forced Richmond officials to make a tough and unpopular decision:

In order to balance the budget for 2009, the board voted to close the 85-year-old, nine-hole course at Glen Miller Park and turn it into a three-hole practice facility.

The board also chose to lease out the maintenance at the 18-hole Highland Lake.

Open for discussion

This story about a man who died -- probably from exposure -- outside a McDonald's in Indianapolis is interesting:

A man found dead behind a Far-Northside McDonald's on Monday had been dropped off by a Hamilton County sheriff's deputy.

[. . .]

Ocasio, 40, Indianapolis, flagged down a Hamilton County Sheriff's Department deputy about 9:50 p.m. Sunday, department spokeswoman Vicky Dunbar said.

Hope floats, all othes wear jackets

Golllllleee, who knew?

Waterfowl hunters throughout Indiana are being strongly reminded, by Indiana Conservation Officers, that a life jacket will not work unless it is being worn.
"Our "Wear It" campaign to promote life jacket use is not just for the warm weather months" said Michael Crider, Director of the Department of Natural Resources Law Enforcement Division.

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

A little slow in Evansville

They don't seem too concerned about the souring economy in Evansville:

An advisory board has recommended construction of a new 11,000-seat downtown arena to replace the city's 52-year-old Roberts Stadium.

Work on the project, estimated to cost between $117 million and $127 million, could begin by next summer and be completed by the summer of 2011, said Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel, who still needs final approval by the City Council.

A bed for the manger

Have to admire this Christmas spirit:

It may seem odd, but a baby Jesus in a pickup has become a tradition in Lafayette.

"People won't let you quit," Jack Ruckel said Monday. "Every year they ask me if I will be back, and I am."

The last farewell

You know, having more than a week off would hurt most college basketball teams. The players would get rusty, the coordination would be lacking, even stamina might suffer. But such a layoff could actually help the current Indiana University team:

But for a team that has played 10 games in the last 28 days to open the season, including six games away from Assembly Hall, a break probably comes with a lot of positives.

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

A shocking sentence

None of the stories I've seen about this guy go into too much detail about what he actually did, so it makes me curious. I mean, I want to know in a general way, but I'm pretty sure I don't want to know the specifics. You know?

An Indianapolis man will serve a 33-month sentence in federal prison for violating federal obscenity laws.

Land of Lincoln

I have mixed feelings about all the Lincoln Museum stuff staying in Indiana. On the one hand, it reflects the dedication and hard work of a lot of people, and it certainly will be good for the state and Fort Wayne. But part of the problem with the museum was that it didn't have enough visitors.
