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Hoosier lore

A constituent wonders

A man of the cloth goes out on a limb:

Pastor Jason Rice will offer a special service at 11 a.m. Sunday at Muncie Morningside United Methodist Church. He'll discuss tough questions about God that people have always wanted to ask, such as "Have you ever wondered if God is real," "Who Jesus really is?", etc.

No sale

Businesses near the Indianapolis Motor Speedway didn't get quite what they had hoped for:

Fans crowded the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Saturday watching the motorcycles go by at record speeds qualifying for the inaugural Indianapolis MotoGP. They were also hoping to catch a glimpse of the riders and maybe snag an autograph. Although the track was busy most of the day it was not as crowded as some local business owners would have liked.

His giggly peers

Attorneys for John R. Myers II, 33, convicted of murder for killing 19-year-old Indiana University student Jill Behrman, are seeking to have the guilty verdict overturned because of (among other reasons) "shocking jury misconduct":

Jurors in the case have previously acknowledged some behavior characterized as "giggly," including playing Frisbee and painting some of the men's toenails.

Five days a week

The death of a thousand cuts continues:

Effective next week, a Rush County newspaper says it will no longer publish on Mondays, opting to cut back to five days a week to save on newsprint, delivery, and other expenses.

Work weak

Public safety officers have to be "asked" to do what the rest of us have always had to do:

CROWN POINT | Lake County Sheriff Rogelio "Roy" Dominguez is using the current budget crisis to renew his call for hundreds of county police and corrections officers to go to a 40-hour work week.

Hot stuff

This is an outrage, totally reprehensible. I demand that somebody do something!

There's a Hoosier look to the newest issue of Playboy.

Nearly a dozen Indiana college students are featured in the adult magazine's “Girls of the Big Ten” feature, five from Purdue and six from Indiana University.

Time in a

I don't why this strikes me as being so funny, but it does:

ELKHART — This city is ready to open a time capsule from 1958, but no one seems to know exactly where it is. Some think it's in a downtown park, some say it's under a sidewalk, and others doubt it even exists, The Truth of Elkhart reported.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Spank me

As you know if you read the attached comments, I let my imagination get the better of me when I did a post yesterday about a local high school that bans any T-shirts with double meanings, including the infamous "Ball U" shirt that so embarrasses Ball State University officials. I saw "one Fort Wayne high school" in the news story, and my brain interpreted that as a Fort Wayne Community Schools school. The school in question is Carroll, which, of course, is a part of Northwest Allen County Schools. Many thanks to all of who who were kind enough to point out the error.

Girls without purses

It may sound sexist to even say this, but I've never known many women in my life -- and I mean from the most liberal of them to the most conservative, the most devout to the most agnostic, the most traditional to the most liberated -- who would ever go anywhere without their purses. Good thing schools weren't so security-conscious when they were growing up:

Late for school

Young, dumb and dangerous:

Indiana State Police say a 17-year-old girl stopped for driving 118 mph on Interstate 65 told the arresting officer she and her friends were headed to school.

Police stopped the 2000 Toyota Celica driving south on I-65 near Merrillville at about 6:30 Wednesday morning. There were three teenage boys in the car besides the girl, who was driving. Police say all four tested positive for alcohol.
