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Hoosier lore

Mike and Evan

I would have said Evan Bayh is no Mike Pence, but he's sounding pretty good.

Here's Pence, responding to calls for him to back off from his no-pork pledge

Pence said this year he won't request money for projects in his Muncie-area district be included in next year's federal budget. Most spending bills include money for “earmarks,” which are specific projects identified by individual lawmakers.

No place to live

Gary City Councilwoman Ragen Hatcher wants to require all department heads as well as new employees to live within the city limits. The Post-Tribune doesn't think this is such a hot idea:

While it would be nice for Gary employees to want to live in the city, it is important to understand why 20 percent of the Gary workers live outside the city.

Quick, be nimble

The Wall Street Journal's James Taranto, in a recent critique of Barack Obama's "bitter clingers" remarks, wrote something that Indiana's gubernatorial candidates should heed:

Thanks for dropping in

Looks like my ride might be here:

KOKOMO, Ind. -- Reports of lights in the sky, crashes and vibrations on the ground befuddled residents and authorities in portions of Tipton and Howard counties late Wednesday night.

[. . .]

Indiana State Police and local sheriff's departments dispatched at least 50 emergency responders to the scene.

[. . .]

Posted in: Hoosier lore

The drunk's accomplice

Many of us have lamented society's drift away from individual responsibility. It's not the drunken driver's fault -- it's the fault of the bartender who served him. It's not the murderer's fault, but that of the company that manufactured the gun. It's not the homeowner to blame who entered a too-risky mortgage agreement; the blame goes to the "predatory lender" who talked him into it.

Sticking it out

Golleee, Ange, can you believe the second cousin of the governor's assistant is coming here?! Let's get out the town band's costumes and have Aunt Bee fry up some chicken! And we'd better make sure to hide Otis for a while:

Mark Black, principal of Corydon Central Junior High School, was not prepared for the call he got Sunday morning from Superintendent Neyland Clark, who said former President Bill Clinton was coming to his school.

Welcome home

RIP, Sgt. Virgil Lee Phillips:

On Nov. 2, 1950, Sgt. Virgil Lee Phillips' unit was overrun by Chinese troops attacking near Unsan in North Korea.

Phillips' battalion was surrounded, and he was one of more than 350 soldiers unaccounted for after the battle.

The Martin County, Ind., man, who had a reputation for not walking away from a fight, was declared missing in action.

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Hot stuff

I know, you'll find this shocking, really shocking, but the Hoosier Hotties escort service was not legitimate. It was -- are you ready, are you sitting down -- a prostitution operation. Don't worry about the place going out of business, though:

Obama on ice

The courting of the common folk continues. Hillary went the furthest with her shot-and-a-beer trick, but Obama gets points for the greatest outreach. He had lunch in Muncie with five "low dollar" donors (combined contribution: $165), four of whom were flown in from all over the country. The Indiana participant said it was definitely among the "top 10 events" of her life (only in the top 10?), and one participant plans to hold on to the memory:

Rank amateurs

Another school system seems ready to succumb to the "competition is bad for students" sickness:

ST. JOHN | The Lake Central School Board is following the lead of the School Town of Munster in exploring the elimination of class rank.

Board Vice President Nancy Gray said she's been trying for many years to make "something like this happen."
