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Hoosier lore

State of education

Home schooling could provide a case study in how different states take different approaches to the same issue (laboratories of democracy and all that). Indiana, for example, has almost no requirements for home schooling.  The students are supposed to get "the equivalent" of a public education, for example, but equivalency is not defined, and there are no curriculum requirements. No tests are mandated, either.

California has decided to go a different way:


The current installment of one of my favorite hard-hitting journalistic endeavors, the Indianapolis Star's "What's in your fridge?"

The thought police

Keith John Sampson is in his 50s, a janitor at IUPUI and also 10 credit hours away from gettting a degree there. While on break one day, he was reading a book about an early incident in Indiana involving the KKK. An employee complained that Sampson was "racially harassing" her by reading the book in front of her. You can guess what happens next.

Enough said

The Jeffersonville City Council is wrestling with how to handle public comments. Beginning of the meeting or the end? On agenda items only or nonagenda items as well? During the discussion of the public discussion, the mayor had his say:

Tom Galligan spoke about the vulnerability he feels sitting in the mayor's chair during the Jeffersonville City Council's regular public-comment periods.

Buy Hoosier!

Boy, they must be dancing in the streets in northwest Indiana:

Now that the Cook County Board has raised Chicago's sales tax to one of the nation's highest, commissioners say they plan to consider hiking the parking tax, too.

[. . .]

That could drive the tax for monthly parkers from about $20 a month to $40.

Racing ahead

I doubt that, A) we're quite on the verge of a "post-racial" America or that, B) Barack Obama is the person who will lead us there. But it's so overdue:

When Rep. Scott Reske, D-Pendleton, directed the words “racism” and “hate” toward Indiana House Republicans, reaction was swift. Rep. Jack Lutz, R-Anderson, accused Reske of playing the race card.

BMV success story?

A friend who is no particular fan of the BMV wanted to make sure I passed along her experience. She went in to the New Haven branch to renew her driver's license on Friday. That involves taking the eye test, having a new photo taken, waiting behind whoever got there ahead of you. But she got in and out in under 10 minutes. She hasn't been that impressed by anything "Jaws" (being a bit of a shark fan).

Wishful thinking

Think her appearance on our ballot will really be necessary come May?

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has filed necessary petitions to be on Indiana's May 6 primary ballot.

Clinton supporters led by Purdue student Amanda Morris turned in a box of signatures to the Secretary of State's office Wednesday.

Team players

The Hamilton Southeastern school district fired its superintendent, apparently for being an educator, so someone with a "business" orientation could be hired. Just to show how serious they are, the board president throws out the trendy corporate jargon:

Sturgis on Wednesday said the dismissal had to do with a lack of collaboration between Raimondi and other senior administrators.
Posted in: Hoosier lore

Bettor up!


In a close vote this afternoon, the Indiana Senate approved legislation that would allow paper pull tabs in bars and taverns.

Under the legislation, which was passed by a 26-21 vote, bars and taverns across the state would be allowed to offer pull tabs and other forms of low-stakes gambling. 