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The law and the jungle

We see you!

High judo

Hey, man, I just wanted to mellow out, 'K? I mean, you know, it was, like, every time I stepped into the ring, some dude was trying to throw me down, man.

American judo fighter Nick Delpopolo was expelled from the Olympic Games on Monday after testing positive for marijuana he said he ate accidentally before arriving in London.

Outrage of the day

Go for the Gold, baby, then give the IRS its share:

American medalists face a top income tax rate of 35 percent. Under U.S. tax law, they must add the value of their Olympic medals and prizes to their taxable income. It is therefore easy to calculate the tax bite on Olympic glory.

Reluctant stand-down

Making the only decision possible and feeling a little frustrated over it:

The United States Supreme Court’s ruling striking down Arizona’s immigration law as unconstitutional means portions of Indiana’s immigration law dealing with warrantless arrests cannot be defended, Attorney General Greg Zoeller said today in a legal brief filed in federal court.

Second thoughts

Some conservatives are freaking out because they think Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scali a, in an interview with Chris Wallace of Fox News, is waffling on gun control and won't be as staunch a Second Amendment supporter as they had supposed he would be:

Snort, snort

Protect yourselves

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg may not have the stupidest gun-control plan ever uttered, but it'll do until the real thing comes along. "Disarm yourselves, or we'll stop protecting and serving you."

Slow death for Penn State

I still haven't decided what I think about this:

The governing body of U.S. college sports fined Penn State University $60 million and voided its football victories for the past 14 seasons in an unprecedented rebuke for the school's failure to stop coach Jerry Sandusky's sexual abuse of children.

Foiled again

Well, if they work against Walmart, guess they're good to go against the government's secret brainwave experiments:


Louisville Metro Police say a man used aluminum foil to try to smuggle stolen DVDs past the anti-theft scanners at Walmart.

What a revoltin' development

When authority has been abused to the point where we expect it to be arbitrary and capricious, the logical result is that we lose all respect for authority:
