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Hoosier lore

Full disclosure

Indiana school boards are sensitive to criticism that superintendents make too much money. So, it is reported in an examination by the Evansville newspaper,  they don't even report the full compensation package earned by the school chiefs:

Malls and

I think it might be a little premature to cite this article as evidence of the coming death of the mall, but if you want to test out the idea, just visit Glenbrook a few times between now and Christmas:

Ready or not

The "well, duh" research of the week:

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - A statewide survey suggests that Indiana's rural residents are more likely than their urban counterparts to be prepared for a disaster.

Researchers at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis surveyed more than 2,000 Indiana residents in a joint project with Indiana Department of Homeland Security.

Politics is gettin' hairy

Boy, I don't know about this; seems risky to me. Don't some of you secretly distrust those of us with facial hair, as in, "Hey, what've you got to hide?"

Despicable, but sensitive

Indianapolis attorney Richard Kammen has defended a lot of people facing the death penalty in his 40-year career, but now he has probably the most despicable client of all, Abd al-Rahim Mohammed Al-Nashiri, the accused terrorist charged in the 2000 USS Cole attack that killed 17 sailors and wounded several dozen others:

Tqo questions for Richard Mourdock

State Treasurer Richard Mourdock visited with the editorial board yesterday as part of his primary campaign challenge to Sen. Richard Lugar. Mourdock outlined his bold (Lugar says "not serious") propsal to cut $7.6 trillion in spending over 10 years. The plan includes eliminating four Cabinet-level departments, trumping Rick Perry by one -- and Mourdock had no trouble remembering them all, Commerce, Education, Energy and Housing & Urban Development.

A break for US

Well, this will be two days in which no mischief will be possible:

The General Assembly plans to take a break in the days before next year's Super Bowl in Indianapolis, in part because out-of-town lawmakers are losing their rooms at area hotels or long-term residences in favor of visitors for the game.

How about a little help?

Not sure I care for his attitude:

Watching Republicans jockey for position as they fight to become the presidential nominee isn't distressing Gov. Mitch Daniels, who decided not to join the race earlier this year.

For one thing, he's not watching them.

Horsing around

Well, this would be a good start:

Inspector General David Thomas, in a report released last week summarizing the findings of an investigation into alleged wrongdoing by the Indiana Horse Racing Commission, suggested that the state should consider scaling back its subsidy, which was $58 million in 2010, to pre-2009 levels.

In arduis fidelis

Not much comment needed here except that TOP seems to be a great organization with a noble mission and with no hand out for government funding:
