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I, uh, er, well now:

Today in Japan, bottled wine created especially for cats goes on sale. This is not a joke. Apparently.

All distractions all the time

An excellent question at Forbes magazine:

All of which begs the question: if electronic devices are OK now, why have we been getting yelled at to turn them off for so long?

The answer is that we've been governed by regulations written back in 1976, when the dangers were more real:

None of the above

When it comes to endorsements, what's a newspaper to do when its editors don't like any of the candidates? Why, punt, of course:

The words that follow should not come as a surprise. During recent months, numerous editorials in The Times-Dispatch have lamented the gubernatorial campaign.

Sorry about that

Ted Cruz campaigned as a staunch conservative, so they're surprised he turned out to be a staunch conservative?

Sen. Ted Cruz’ hometown newspaper, the Houston Chronicle, wishes it could take back its endorsement.

The Chronicle’s editorial board, which endorsed Cruz, R-Texas, in his 2012 race, now says it misses his predecessor, former Republican Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison.

From the hip

So, maybe Grandma was right after all -- we really can feel the weather in our bones:

Scientists don't understand all the mechanisms involved in weather-related pain, but one leading theory holds that the falling barometric pressure that frequently precedes a storm alters the pressure inside joints. Those connections between bones, held together with tendons and ligaments, are surrounded and cushioned by sacs of fluid and trapped gasses.

Posted in: All about me, Science

Don't tell me your symptoms

Ever check out your symptoms online and talk yourself into being sick? There's a name for that:

What's that funny buzzing sound?

Be right back

On vacation for two weeks. Blogging will be sporadic until Sept. 23.

Posted in: All about me

About face!

John Kerry recalls his 1971 appearance before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee:

Hot off the Kindle

Many of us in the news biz -- most, probably -- can't stop talking about Jeff Bezos' purchase of the Washington Post. Our thinking generally is, 1) What the hell was he thinking and, 2) Sure hope he can pull it off.

What if he is smarter than the rest of us and knows exactly what he's doing?
