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Politics and other nightmares

Sex and violence

The "indecency" police have usually gone after sex and mostly left the violence alone. That may be about to change:

An upcoming FCC report recommending steps that Congress can take to regulate television violence has sharply divided the agency's five members.

Multiple sources said Republican Chairman Kevin Martin and Democratic Commissioner Michael Copps, who are spearheading the crackdown on graphic scenes, had approved the latest version of the report.

Fish in a barrel

Here's an easy prediction -- the blogosphere is going to beat the daylights out of Mike Pence over this remark:

Signs of the times

Free for all

I miss William F. Buckley's syndicated columns. He still writes occasionally for the National Review, at least. Here, he neatly explains John Edwards' plans to give us all "free" health:

March 31, 2008

1. Don't go to war unless you have considered all other options, and there is no choice left.

2. If war is chosen, fight to win it as quickly as possible.

But don't call him a Commie

Boy, didn't see this one coming, huh?

CARACAS, Venezuela - President Hugo Chavez said Sunday that his administration plans to create "collective property" as part of sweeping reforms toward socialism, and that officials would move to seize control of large ranches and redistribute lands deemed "idle."

Not dyeing to be president

In case you were trying to decide on Mitt Romney, this might help:

Don't expect Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney to endorse hair dye products anytime soon.

The former governor of Massachusetts laid to rest Friday rumors that he dyes his hair black. His sleek dark coif, with just a hint of gray on his sideburns, is completely natural, he told reporters following a fundraiser in Milwaukee.

The great smoke-out

Kevin Leininger points out a definitions problem with the city's new anti-smoking ordinance:

Romantic candlelight dinners could be a thing of the past. Wood-burning or gas fireplaces, too, along with any kind of food cooked over charcoal or an open flame.

City Council may not have intended to outlaw cherries jubilee and smoked ribs, but they have. That would be my argument, at least, if I was earning $200 an hour to challenge government's latest effort to protect us from ourselves.

Bayh, Hillary

Some politicians realize the presidency isn't in the cards in the immediate future, so become obvious candidates for the vice presidency, including one of Indiana's own:

So long, John

It's way to early to start speculating on '08 presidential candidates. It might be more fun to start culling the weak ones from the herd -- eliminating the candidates it's pretty easy to say won't make the final cut. My first nomination to the Goner category is John McCain. He has long since lost his reputation as a straight shooter. The more people he tries to appeal to, the less coherent he sounds. This is just absolutely stupid:
