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Politics and other nightmares

Dirty politics

If any of you candidates out there are looking for tips on how to campaign, here's something you should definitely avoid:

A mayoral candidate in Winter Park, Fla., accused of smearing dog feces on another man during an apparent outburst of anger is fighting back after anonymous fliers about the incident have circulated around the city.

Exceptions to the rule

One of the things I've never understood about the abortion debate is why some of the strongest opponents make these exceptions:

US President George W. Bush signalled his opposition to a South Dakota abortion ban that forbids the procedure even in cases of rape or incest, saying he favors such exceptions.

Two races

Some comments on a couple of the primary contests:

Vote early and often

If you can't wait for the May primary, Indiana Parley has some reporting from the Allen County Republican Convention (including some audio posts) and is running a straw poll on the sheriff and commissioner races.

Woman's work

The good news is that Americans are ready for a woman as president. The better news is that they even seem to be leaning toward the right woman.


The filing deadline for the May primary is noon today, so it's time to think about what some of the issues might be. An important one -- which the News-Sentinel editorial page will be concentrating on -- is what county candidates think about the consolidated government issue. It's no surprise that there is a split between city and county residents, with those in the city tending to favor consolidation more than those in the county.

The Cheney game

Boy wouldn't this throw the whole presidential race, which nobody has figured out anyway, into absolute chaos?

But what are they thinking that they're not saying? Here's a hunch, based not on any inside knowledge but only on what I know of people who practice politics, and those who practice it within the Bush White House.

Lead your own self

Could there be two more different people, at least in what they preach and do, than Jesse Jackson and Condoleezza Rice? Yet they came out one and two in a poll of blacks about who the "most important black leader is." Guess that means, wonder of wonders, that blacks are no more monolithic than any other group. Imagine a poll asking who the "most important white leader is."

Middlemen with clout

Let me see if I have this straight. The liquor wholesalers are afraid the Big Boxes could get wine cheap and sell it cheap. And they have the clout to persuade the General Assembly to prevent that possibility by enacting rules that will drive many small wineries out of business. All so the wine, just like beer and hard liquor, will have to go them so they can add their markup to it before it gets to me.

A healthy race

Democratic City Councilman Tom Hayhurst officially kicked off his challenge of 3rd District Rep. Mark Souder yesterday (he will have Primary opposition, but that's a mere technicality).
