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Czared and feathered

The politicians never rest:

Perhaps caught up in Super Bowl fever, Sen. Evan Bayh says he wants outgoing Indianapolis Colts coach Tony Dungy to be President-elect Barack Obama's point man for promoting responsible fatherhood. 

It's unclear exactly what he wants Dungy to do in that role. But as Washington has a czar for most everything, a fatherhood czar might not be far off. 

Fatherhood czar. Right.

Is almost great good enough?

We who write columns and editorials sometimes slip into the easy habit of telling people what to do instead of merely laying out the evidence and letting people draw their own conclusions. Slash that budget, Mr. Governor! Leave that adult bookstore alone so the First Amendment doesn't die a horrible death, Ms. Prosecutor! Tote that barge and lift that bale! Even so, this guy sounds a little presumptuous:

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

A good walk spoiled spoiled

The economic downturn has forced Richmond officials to make a tough and unpopular decision:

In order to balance the budget for 2009, the board voted to close the 85-year-old, nine-hole course at Glen Miller Park and turn it into a three-hole practice facility.

The board also chose to lease out the maintenance at the 18-hole Highland Lake.

Hope floats, all othes wear jackets

Golllllleee, who knew?

Waterfowl hunters throughout Indiana are being strongly reminded, by Indiana Conservation Officers, that a life jacket will not work unless it is being worn.
"Our "Wear It" campaign to promote life jacket use is not just for the warm weather months" said Michael Crider, Director of the Department of Natural Resources Law Enforcement Division.

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

A little slow in Evansville

They don't seem too concerned about the souring economy in Evansville:

An advisory board has recommended construction of a new 11,000-seat downtown arena to replace the city's 52-year-old Roberts Stadium.

Work on the project, estimated to cost between $117 million and $127 million, could begin by next summer and be completed by the summer of 2011, said Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel, who still needs final approval by the City Council.

The last farewell

You know, having more than a week off would hurt most college basketball teams. The players would get rusty, the coordination would be lacking, even stamina might suffer. But such a layoff could actually help the current Indiana University team:

But for a team that has played 10 games in the last 28 days to open the season, including six games away from Assembly Hall, a break probably comes with a lot of positives.

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

Patronize our sponsors!

(This post is being sponsored by McDonald's. You deserve a break today, so as soon as you read this, go and treat yourself to a Big Mac, OK?)

A slap in the face of justice

I'm not one of those sexists who think women can never be guilty of abuse, even when the alleged victim is a hulking brute of a footbll player. But this story is still a little eye-popping:

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

Thanks, Plaxico

I don't have any more use for badly behaving pro athletes than anybody else, but Dave Kopel is right on this one:

New York Giants star receiver Plaxico Burress is facing a mandatory 3½ years in prison and the end of his football career. His crime? Not having a license, which New York City never would have issued him, for the exercise of his constitutional right to bear arams.

The Ed & Sean show

Leo's human relations primer. Today's topic -- sexism. What it isn't:

Gov. Ed Rendell made some blunt remarks that could be construed as insulting, if not sexist, about Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano, chosen for Homeland Security chief by President-elect Barack Obama.

[. . .]

Rendell's words were picked up by an open microphone at the podium of the National Governors Conference, held yesterday morning at Independence Hall.
