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The state of the culture

Just the way you are

Another of life's great mysteries solved -- women wear too much makeup because they mistakenly think men men like it:

The female participants thought the models looked better with slightly more makeup than the male participants did. However, all of the participants thought male observers would want the models to be wearing more makeup than female observers would.

Gonna head off you troublemakers

Don't know what you're thinking, but I'm pretty sure you're up to no good, so I just might do something about it. Here's Karrem Abdul-Jabbar on the "finger-wagging olympics" surrounding Donald Sterling's racist whines to his mistress/girlfriend.whatever:

Good old college daze

Sometimes it's possible to not think about how insane it's getting on college campuses. But when there are three crazy stories on the same day, the culture of oppression becomes pretty hard to ignore. First up, Duke University:

A new word-discouragement campaign at Duke University has labeled phrases such as “Man Up,” “That’s So Gay,” and “Don’t Be a Pussy” offensive language that “delegitimizes” homosexuality and oppresses and insults people.

Racism and not

It's usually at least irritating and sometimes infuriating when arguments are pushed to the absurd extreme. But once in a while, it provides a learning experience. Here, for example, is an article from a gay man and strong supporter of marriage equality who writes that "Opposing gay marriage doesn't make you a crypto-racist": His first reason is that marriage has always been gendered but it has not always been racist:

Write on

This "teach writing in every class" idea is so commonsensical that I wonder why it hasn't been done always at every college in the country. The fact that it's such an innovative concept that they have to give it a name is a little sad:

Bottoms up, kids!

Camille Paglia sure knows how to start a good argument. Here she is on our past-its-prime drinking age:

A right way to the left?

The Cato Insitute is a libertarian think tank that frequently infuritates conserrvatives and liberals in equal doses. Now it is using a conservative constitutional approach (stressing the actual text and original intent of the Constitution) to argue for a liberal cause -- gay marriage. It has to do with the 14th Amendment and the Loving v. Virginia Supreme Court case that tossed bans on interracial marriage:

They're baaack!

A four-letter word that rhymes with duck

Whatever else you can say about newspapers, we're sort of the last bastion of clean and polite language. Any of you who still read newspapers appreciate that, or would you rather we loosenedup a bit? A case can certainly be made for relaxing our rules against profanity:

Jump right in

Why a startup marriage is more satisfying than a merger marriage, from sociologist Charles Murray:

The age of marriage for college graduates has been increasing for decades, and this cultural shift has been a good thing. Many 22-year-olds are saved from bad marriages because they go into relationships at that age assuming that marriage is still out of the question.
