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The state of the culture

Irresistible emergency

Today's question: If you plan for an emergency, is it really an emergency?

MISHAWAKA, Ind. - A free giveaway of emergency contraception doses at Planned Parenthood health centers in Indiana cities with large college populations has angered an anti-abortion group, whose leader calls it "irresponsible."


Get this

Gettin' any? No, thanks, I got some:

NEW YORK (CBS/AP) ? New York City spruced up its relentless safe sex ad campaign, urging New Yorkers to "get some" on Valentine's Day.

Get some condoms, that is.

Subway ads displaying the new slogan will be plastered about the city and across city buses, with a television and radio campaign to hit the airwaves soon.

Bar the babies

See what happens when you ban smoking in bars?

These days little children are brought along to places that would have been considered inappropriate a generation ago: four-star restaurants, cocktail parties, rock concerts. But for all the sniping from adults who resent this territorial invasion, the onslaught shows no sign of letting up.

In fact, one of its latest flash points is the local bar.

[. . .]


I'm taking this stuff, so if you notice that my posts start getting a little darker, give a shout out, 'K?

WASHINGTON - Government regulators said Friday the connection between Pfizer's anti-smoking drug Chantix and serious psychiatric problems is "increasingly likely."

The dating game

I'm a little backward in dealing with people and especially retarded when it comes to women. I tend to hang back until there's an umistakable sign that a woman might be interested in me, then I will possibly take a tentative first step like saying hello to her.

$300-a-day free speech

Nice work if you can get it:

COOS BAY, Ore. - A police survey says panhandlers outside Wal-Mart in Coos Bay can make $300 a day. Inside, it takes a clerk a week to make that much.

Police say people who have a problem with that needn't look to the law - asking for money is considered protected free speech.

Rock solid

San Francisco voters suffer a sudden attack of common sense:

Alcatraz escaped plans for change, with voters rejecting a proposal that would have torn down the island's notorious prison to erect a global peace center.

Annoy, repeat

A friend was telling me last week that every married woman she knew had been complaining about their husbands. "Did I miss the annoucement of Irritable Spouse Week?" Then I read this article:

If your spouse already bugs you now, the future is bleak. New research suggests couples view one another as even more irritating and demanding the longer they are together.

It doesn't bear repeating

A couple of thoughts prompted by the passing of Earl Butz:

1. Could his forced resignation have been a factor in Jimmy Carter's defeat of Gerald Ford?

The ensuing political firestorm created a dilemma for Ford. Butz's popularity in Midwestern farm states was a crucial asset to the president, who was in the middle of a tight election campaign against his Democratic challenger, former Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter.
