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I love me so much!

I don't find this as alarming as I guess I'm supposed to:

Books aside, if you asked a college freshman today who the Greatest Generation is, they might respond by pointing in a mirror.

Young people's unprecedented level of self-infatuation was revealed in a new analysis of the American Freshman Survey, which has been asking students to rate themselves compared to their peers since 1966. 

Roughly 9 million young people have taken the survey over the last 47 years.

Pyschologist Jean Twenge and her colleagues compiled the data and found that over the last four decades there's been a dramatic rise in the number of students who describe themselves as being 'above average' in the areas of academic ability, drive to achieve, mathematical ability, and self-confidence.

But in appraising the traits that are considered less invidualistic - co-operativeness, understanding others, and spirituality - the numbers either stayed at slightly decreased over the same period.

Researchers also found a disconnect between the student's opinions of themselves and actual ability.

Gee, a "disconnect" between their opinions of themselves and their actual abilities? That was true in my college days and, I'm sure, all of recorded history. Young people generally have more self-esteem than they're legitimately entitled to, for the simple reason that reality hasn't sunk in for them yet. Once they finally realize what life is all about, most of them settle down to a properly realistic look at their circumstances and choices.


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