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Nice tat, private

The times, the are a changin':

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — A newly revised tattoo policy that will remove the limit on the number and size of soldiers' tattoos is coming very soon, Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno said Wednesday.

The new revision to the appearance policy still prohibits soldiers from having tattoos on their necks, and the ban will remain on tattoos that are extremist, racist or sexist, Odierno said at the AUSA conference here.

The more lenient tattoo rules are based on input from soldiers, he said. Many soldiers have told Sergeant Major of the Army Dan Dailey they want fewer restrictions on tattoos. Some saw their tattoos as a hindrance to advancing in their careers.

Well. The Army is going to change based on "input from soldiers," That ought to work out real well. Wish they were in a seeking input mode when I was in. I could have told them a thing or two about getting up so early and having to do all those calisthenics.

The story makes a good point that if even the military is changing its rules, it's a sure sign of the growing acceptance of tattoos in modern society. One thing it doesn't mention (which I have noticed) is how many more women are getting tattoos these days. I find that a not unwelcomed development, but I may be prejudiced since my niece Melissa is a tattoo artist and a walking display of her talent.

I almost got a tattoo once. But I wasn't quite drunk enough and the tattoo parlor wasn't quite close enough. One of these days

(See Mel's artwork here.)


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