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Garbage out, garbage gone

It's amazing how such a little thing can please us so much:

After missing several days last week, National Serv-All said it is now caught up in trash pick-ups.

Icy weather and the Christmas holiday last week put a large portion of Fort Wayne's trash pickup to a halt as garbage began to pile up at street corners throughout the city. A number of complaints were also called in to The News-Sentinel about the situation.

Those complaints should come to an end this week, however, National Serv-All spokesman Bob Young said.

I had one week of garbage already in the can by the alley and another week's worth in bags in the Florida room. Those bags contained all the food I took from the refrigerator when the power came back on after serveral days, so they presented a tricky problem. Put them out too soon, and the animals would scatter everything. Leave them in the house too long, and, well . . . When I heard them announce that we should now put our garbage out "on the regular day," I took a chance that they meant the regular holiday day, in other words a day later than usual. So that's what I did on Friday night, and on Saturday some men came and took it all away!

Normality. I almost wept with joy.


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