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Hoosier lore

Court costs

What interesting timing. Just as Fort Wayne abandons its dumb proposal to create a city court to generate more revenue (at least for now), another Indiana municipality goes in the right direction:

Clarksville Town Council has scheduled two special meetings this week to discuss the possibility of eliminating the town's court.

The tease continues

Mitch Daniels has gone from saying he's really, really not interested in running for president but will keep the door open to "I'll run if nobody else says what needs to be said."

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -- Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels said he will be looking to see whether 2012 presidential candidates are adequately addressing the nation's ballooning debt as he decides whether to enter the race for the Republican nomination.

Pork for us, whee!

There are two competing engines for the Joint Strike Fighter. Congress spent $465 million just in 2010 on one of them, the F136, and, if the program isn't halted, it will spend between $1.9 billion and $2.9 billion more in the next six years on it. U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates says the F136 isn't needed, and Preisdent Obama has said he will veto any legislation containing funding for the engine.

Too soon

Gov. Daniels has spent a lot of time and energy in the last couple of years getting the message out that every department in the state had to make sacrifices to see us through the fiscal emergency. So this doesn't make any sense:

State employees got some happy holiday news Tuesday: After a two-year pay freeze, Gov. Mitch Daniels decided that most of them will get raises next year.

Crime and punishment

When three related things happen close together, it's worth considering the possiblity that we may have spotted the next trend.

Challenge me, I dare you

Two Republican senators are said to be especially in the Tea Party's sights. Orrin Hatch's reaction: Oh, look, I can, too, tack right. Richard Lugar's reaction: Nyah, nyah, nyah:

Bye, bye Becky

This is big news:

Lt. Governor Becky Skillman today issued the following statement on a gubernatorial run in 2012.

Over the lines

You little people out there, don't worry your pretty little heads about this, it'll just confuse you. Leave everything to your betters in the legislature; if you can't trust them, whom can you trust?

Big time

Republicans for more government. First up, State Sen. Travis Holdman, who wants adults to have the same restrictions placed on teens in the last session of the General Assembly:

Drivers wouldn't be allowed to use hand-held cell phones or send text messages under a bill being proposed by an Indiana state lawmaker.

Till we drop

People still shop without their computers, walking around and going into actual stores?

Forbes' first-ever ranking of the best U.S. cities for shopping says Indianapolis has the kind of numbers that makes retail sparkle.

Posted in: Hoosier lore