Hot dog, I feel rich now!
Mayor Tom Henry on Wednesday cheered residents who have helped the city's new recycling program net $1 million in projected savings
Hot dog, I feel rich now!
Mayor Tom Henry on Wednesday cheered residents who have helped the city's new recycling program net $1 million in projected savings
The Fort Wayne community likes its food fast, according to a new report by
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I'm not sure, but I think he was trying to insult us:
Downtown Fort Wayne could support a year-round farmers market, a Maine consultant has concluded, but in part because of the city's “cheap food” mentality start-up costs would have to be minimized
Have you noticed that when polticians get into big debates, they tend to push themselves to hard-to-defend extremes? Democratic Mayor Tom Henry and Republican challenger Paula Hughes are arguing about how much debt the city is obligated for, and they're both saying things open to challenge. Hughes decries the latest debt load, which she says is $516.4 million and includes a $21 million increase last year. But Henry says no, the city actually reduced the debt it owed by $13.2 million.
The county plans to tighten the rules on tattoos and body piercings:
Operators of Fort Wayne tattoo and piercing parlors will need to buy an annual license from the health department costing $295 and each artist at the establishment will need an artist license that will cost $65 a year. No one under the age of 18 will be allowed to perform tattooing or body piercing.
Reason magazine's blog reports that our nation's crack security forces are protecting us all from the scourge of rogue lemonade stands.
Police in Georgia have shut down a lemonade stand run by three girls trying to save up for a trip to a water park, saying they didn't have a business license or the required permits.
The BBC has a profile of Carmel, Ind., calling it the "roundabout capital of America" (the mayor boasts of replacing 78 sets of traffic lights with roundabouts) and suggesting that America is well on the way to embracing "the free-floating British circular." This offends a writer for the Village Voice, who says this is like tryying to force the metric system on Americans:
Who thinks this is a good idea?
The Fort Wayne Redevelopment Commission on Thursday agreed to pay more than $1 million for less than 2 acres of land downtown, across Ewing Street from Parkview Field.
Maybe I shouldn't tempt fate by mentioning it, but there actually seem to be fewer violations in my neighborhood this year:
Fort Wayne police have received more than 100 complaints recently about people setting off fireworks. That's in violation of a city ordinance that prohibits from ireworks being set off more than five days before the fourth of July.
A soon to be Leo High School graduate will be skipping out on her big day this weekend because she won't be allowed to wear her Marine Corps dress blues.
Private Kylie Furnish graduated from high school early and recently graduated from Marine Corps Boot Camp.