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Hoosier lore

Test of time

I know what some of you will be thinking when you read about these two artifacts from a bygone era -- what a perfect match!

HAMMOND, Ind. - A box of horse manure and nearly intact copies of the local newspaper have been found in two copper time capsules contained in the cornerstone of the Masonic Temple.

The box of manure had a note saying future generations might not understand its significance as automobiles replaced horses. Har, har, some sense of humor they had way back then.

Posted in: History, Hoosier lore

Close to home

Central Indiana libraries have recently reported surges in patronage. Indiana's summer festivals, including the Three Rivers Festival, have had spikes in attendance. And now the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore says it had 27 percent more visitors last month than during June 2008:

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Travel

Object lessson

I hope city and county officials are paying attention to other taxing units. The Allen County Public Library, it is reported, plans to flat-line spending to meet property and income tax deficits. In some places, it's even tougher:


Is that a lighter in your bra, or are you just hot to see me?

Toni Huber and some friends were waiting by an alley near 141st and Wabash in North Hammond when two men allegedly robbed them at gunpoint.

Shots were fired as the offenders drove off.

Bad neighbors

The answer to the question posed at the very beginning of this article is so obvious it shouldn't need to be asked:

What businesses should and should not be allowed into downtown Newburgh?

When you gotta go . . .

Not in line for co-worker of the year:

A Clark Circuit Court employee contacted a building supervisor after she showed up for work several times to find her chair wet. She was shocked to learn it may have been caused by a maintenance worker who was allegedly urinating in the chair. He was arrested after police reviewed footage from a hidden camera appearing to catch him in the act.

Carry on

Thank goodness cooler heads prevailed, leading the Senate to defeat a national reciprocity measure allowing gun owners with permits to carry their concealed weapons across state lines. Otherwise, I might have had to fight my way to work through crowds of armed, angry Buckeyes just itching to cause trouble in the state they love to hate. As Sen.

Shut up and enjoy your progress

Well, well, well, well, well.

Do as we say, not as we do

It's not just Congress that exempts itself from the rules it passes for others:

Fishers might soon be taking advantage of a new ordinance that exempts the town from its own development standards.

The Town Council approved leases with T-Mobile and Cingular, now part of AT&T. They plan to build cell towers on town property, some of which borders homes.

Feeding frenzy

Boy, sometimes you just can't win. In Michigan City, officials banned the feeding of wildlife in public parks (including land adjacent to Lake Michigan) in order to cut down on the amount of bird droppings in the marina. The good news is that it seems to have worked -- droppings are down, so to speak. But:

Posted in: Hoosier lore