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Food and Drink

Hungry for change?

Speaking of food, enjoy that hamburger while you can. If you don't become a vegetarian, you will likely be arrested and charred with Depraved Indifference to the Fate of the Planet:

When it comes to global warming, hamburgers are the Hummers of food, scientists say.

Hard times

For the "silver lining in the dark recession cloud" file:

VALPARAISO, Ind. - Tough economic times are keeping more families home for home-cooked meals that save money and also bring the family together for the dinner hour, experts say.

[. . .]

Food fight

If you suddenly find yourself in charge of a vast bureaucracy that, unfortunately, governs a shrinking base of supplicants, what are you to do? Well, if you're Tom Vilsack, you redefine your mission:

"This is a department that intersects the lives of Americans two to three times a day. Every single American," he said. "So I absolutely see the constituency of this department as broader than those who produce our food -- it extends to those who consume it."

Another one bites the duts


 A venerable Fort Wayne restaurant — the Acme Bar — is closing.

The gathering spot “Where Neighbors Meet” since 1941 — that slogan is painted on the wall — will close its doors for the last time Saturday night. The adjacent package store will close, too.

Come on, it's nacho bad

As the economy continues to weaken, the toll of human tragedy continues to mount:

On the eve of the annual Wing Bowl, there is a nationwide chicken shortage that is driving up the price of chicken wings.

Like the feeling you get after an incomplete pass, a Super Bowl party without wings can leave you with a bad taste in your mouth.

Wing prices always go up before the Bowl, but this year, the cost of wings has taken flight thanks to a wing shortage across the country.

Drinking game

This sure ain't gonna hurt alcohol sales:

Men who worry about the effect drinking has on their sex life should raise a glass to the latest research.

Alcohol actually improves rather than damages male performance in the bedroom, it is claimed.

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So-called low-risk drinkers, those who have four drinks a day for up to five days a week, fared best.

Margin call

A bill in the General Assembly would have Indiana follow some examples from California and New York and require chain restaurants to make nutritional information available to customers at each location. Republican Tim Brown of Crawfordsville, a physician, tells why he voted against the bill in committee:

He said the costs of complying with such a law would lead to job cuts in an industry that was suffering like so many others during this recession.

Sweet success

Most observers thought the General Assembly would be so consumed with passing a balanced two-year budget in the midst of a recession that no other substantive issues would be addressed. Guess all those cynics will now have to eat crow, or, er, well, something else:

The Indiana State Senate this afternoon passed a resolution urging that the sugar cream pie be named the state's official pie.

Bad career move

I worked at McDonald's throughout much of my high school era, and a manager once told me I should seriously think about a career with the chain. Naturally, I dismissed such an absurd idea. Nell Pierce-Boykin of Stockbridge, Ga., was smarter and has just retired at 72 from Mickey D's:

Obama Watch

Other sites will give you all the political trivia, such as the inaugeration and the war on terror and how many billions the president will want to spend on any given day. But you should check here periodically for the really important Obama Watch stuff. On the negative side today, the president intends to commit an atrocity, and if he truly wants to connect with ordinary Americans, he should reconsider:
