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OMG, this is just LOL-unbelievable:

A computer trainer in Lafayette, N.C., says she was oblivious to the profane modern meaning of her license plate "WTF" until her grandchildren told her.

She's just lucky it wasn't something like MILF or BITFOB.

Posted in: Web/Tech

Internet Time

Both John McCain and Barack Obama distrust the private sector and see government solutions to most problems. That means either one is more than likely to screw up more than once. That's the bad news. The good news:


Your unexpected explosion entangles us in a web of premature umbrellas and precocious timepieces and other surrealist compliments, randomly generated.

Posted in: Web/Tech

Must-see YouTube

Allen County has its own channel at YouTube, though it's not exactly scintillating viewing so far. There are seven clips there now, and five of them are about . . . drum roll, please . . . septic tanks!


Kindle, Part 2

Recently, I linked to Megan McCardle's review of the Kindle, which she liked a lot, and she was so convincing I seriously thought about buying one. I didn't, though, and after reading Ann Althouse's take, I may have to think about it a little longer:

What's lost is found

No, no, no, I am the stupid one.

Cool Kindle

I keep thinking about the Kindle. The $400 price is the main drawback, but reviews like this one might put me over the line:

Still hooked up

The trend of connecting to people rather than places continues:

For nearly three in 10 households, don't even bother trying to call them on a landline phone. They either only have a cell phone or seldom if ever take calls on their traditional phone.

Nothing new here

Welcome to the wonderful world of the unfiltered Internet, where legitimate history resides side by side with vicious fantasies:

A video showing a longtime supporter of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton using slurs to describe Hoosiers spread through the Web like a virus Friday, triggering a firestorm of protest before the video was finally exposed as a hoax.

It was just the latest example of how the Internet is changing politics.

Doctor, doctor

One group of Americans not that interested in the digital revolution:

Kreuziger's experience is shared by most Americans: They want the convenience of e-mail for non-urgent medical issues, but fewer than a third of U.S. doctors use e-mail to communicate with patients, according to recent physician surveys.
