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Opening Arguments

When doves cry

That suddent silence you just heard is the anti-war movement:

It’s all very confusing. When George W. Bush considered invading Iraq without a declaration of war, the Democrats wanted to try him for war crimes in The Hague. When Obama does the same thing ... crickets.

Which raises another question: Where exactly is the anti-war movement.

[. . .]

You say you want an evolution

Heh. OK, so I may not be smarter than you, but maybe I'm more evolved:

Posted in: Science

Eat at will!

We don't even have to talk about global warming climate change to discredit that "the science is settled" nonsense. Been reading about new "insights" into food lately?

A new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine adds to the body of evidence that cutting back on carbs, not fat, can lead to more weight loss.

Wake-up calls

Janay Rice, victim of husband Ray's knockout punch, is lashing out at the media for "making us relive a moment in our lives that we regret everyday" and for taking "something away from the man that I love." That prompts this question:

A worthy rebuttal from the one person qualified to make it — or an attempt to shift blame?

Degree inflation

A new report from Burning Glass, a labor market analytics company, has the numbers to prove what a lot of people have been saying the last few years about "degree inlation" -- a college degree is becoming the new high school diploma: the minimum credential required to get even the most basic, entry-level job:

Death throes

I'm always open to a good anti-capital punishment argument. As regular readers will know, I'm highly conflicted on the issue, and my opinions have been all over the map. But let's keep the debate honest, OK?

Highlight reel

During any hot story, people will use the buzz generated as an opportunity to trot out a pet theory. This is my favorite from this week: NFL is in tatters, and only Condi Rice can save it!

Y'all come

War is war

The commentariart has had a lot to say about President Obama's apparent newfound toughness about ISIS and what he will or want say in his address to the nation on Wednesday. Guess I'll wait to see what he actually proposes and then what we actually do before I get too worked up one way or the other. I was struck by this, however:


If you thought home coooking was a good thing, a way for the family to share and enjy quality time together, well, silly you. Don't you know home coooking is a tool of oppression?

It's not working out

It's conventional wisdom that having a job while in high school boosts wage-earning in later life, because the kids are learning skills they wouldn't leaarn in the classroom and, furthermore, are learning the value of work. And that's a thought I consoled myself with while I was flipping burgers at McDonald's and envying all the kids who didn't work. It was kind of a class thing -- if you had to work for a little spending money it meant your parents weren't well-off enough to spoil you.

Posted in: Current events

The grilled cheese revolution

Victims of the nanny state revolt:

Central New York’s Fayetteville-Manlius and Baldwinsville school districts are the latest to ditch the National School Lunch Program, which was revamped in 2010 under the guidance of First Lady Michelle Obama in an effort to fight childhood obesity.

Conventional wisdom

The Article V movement that Indiana Senate Prsident Pro-tem David Long has been pushing keeps building momentum and getting more prominent supporters. According to this article, Sen. Tom Coburn is going to make a big push for in when he retires from the Senate in a few months. After rightly dismissing fears that such a convention could become a runaway that would trash the Constitution, the author gets around to the doubt I think is more realistic:

Yes, boots on the ground can leave small footprints

Mollie Hemingay at the Federlist: Why calling Rand Paul an isolationist is and was stupid.

Who's in charge?

What makes people poor?

It ain't rocket science:

David Autor, an economist at M.I.T. best known for exploring the costs to American workers of automation and trade with China, has recently expanded the scope of his research on unemployment to look at the consequences for men who grow up in a fatherless household.

Gray area

If you're getting tired of the "undocumented wokers" euphemism for illegal immigrants, the LA Times has provided some new ways  to obfuscate by mislabeling: (emphasis added)

Body of evidence

Um, well now. I've heard it said that some people can't find their a-- with both hands and a flashlight. It's probably even been said a time or two about me. But this is a new one on me:



 Vice President Joe Biden staked his claim to the labor vote by declaring that “it’s time to take back America” in order to ensure that the middle class gets an “equal share” of prosperity in the country.
