If I tried to rank the worst Supreme Court decisions in my lifefime, Kelo v. City of New London, which more or less put the last nail in the coffin of private property, would be right up there. And what came of it? Nothing:
If I tried to rank the worst Supreme Court decisions in my lifefime, Kelo v. City of New London, which more or less put the last nail in the coffin of private property, would be right up there. And what came of it? Nothing:
Getting beyond the "political correctness" argument for what happened at Fort Hood:
The most-heard reason for the possible failure is political correctness. No doubt. But Sen. Lieberman's committee should avoid making this its main line of inquiry, because that is a problem without a policy fix. It minimizes the real problem.
I thought the "Colmbus was a no-good bastard" movement had sort of died down, but here it is, as strong as ever:
"We have the real fake."
"No, no, yours is a fake fake. We have the real fake."
So it goes as both the Heritage Auction Galleries of Texas and the South Shore Convention and Visitors Authority of Indiana claim to have the "authentic" pretend gun John Dillinger used to break out of the Crown Point jail. After several paragraphs of claims and counter-claims, the story notes:
Terre Haute is raising money to erect a statue of Max Ehrmann, a lawyer and sometimes poet who died in 1945. He is best known for the poem "Desiderata" (no, it was not found in Old St. Paul's Church, as the myth had it back in the hippie days). We of the flower-child-naif persuasion were fond of quoting a particular passage:
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
Is nothing sacred? From The New York Times:
So the discovery calls into question theories about the evolution of T. rex . . .
Oh, well. We shall press on.
Happy Constitution Day! What country we might have if the Constitution were still followed!
Just in time for tomorrow's eighth-anniversary observance of 9/11, Charlie Sheen shows us the proper boundaries of discussion by going beyond them:
In an exclusive contact with the PrisonPlanet.com website, Sheen reveals 1) that he voted for Barack Obama in November and 2) that he [Sheen] has become convinced that the 9/11 attacks were an inside government job perpetrated by people inside government for inside and no doubt nefarious reasons.