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Equity blues

Posted in: All about me

On to Mars

Me, too:

McCain said ever since reading Ray Bradbury's Martian Chronicles, "I'm intrigued by a man on Mars. I think it would excite the imagination of the American people . . . Americans would be very willing to do that.''

I meant the part about being inspired by Bradbury's book, but I agree that a manned Mars mission would spark Americans' imagination, and I wouldn't mind my tax money being spent on it.

Posted in: All about me

The age of pessimism

It's interesting to read insults about me on other blogs, but those are usually just quickly penned shots from the hip. B.J. Paschal, a Ball State University professor emeritus whose liberal rants we publish sometimes on the editorial page, takes the time to write a whole column insulting me: 

Why do I really object to Morris' pessimism that is oh, so conservative? It keeps voters away from the polls. And Republicans benefit, that's why.

The race is on

This, headlined "Racism in retreat," seems a little delusional to me:

Well, here we are. Are there some bigots? Of course. Did they, or any purported instance of "racism" during the campaign, keep Barack Obama from the nomination?

His victory demonstrates the main platform of my race writing. The guiding question in everything I have ever written on race is: Why do so many people exaggerate about racism?


Posted in: History

Heady stuff

The 20 funniest headlines ever. Well, maybe not, but pretty good. My favorite:

DOE to do NEPA's EIS on BNFL's AMWTP at INEEL after SRA protest

Had my EIS done last week and didn't hear a peep from SRA.

Posted in: Current Affairs

Global-warming brushoff

Well, by God, it's the least you can do to save the environment:

Better insulation at home, less use of the car and even giving up an electric toothbrush can help people in rich nations halve emissions of greenhouse gases, a U.N. report said on Thursday.

Posted in: Current Affairs

Bye buy local

Looks like Councilwoman Karen Goldner and I have our first official disagreement:

Everyone on council supported the city doing business with local vendors, but opponents said the measure, introduced by Councilwoman Karen Goldner, D-2nd District, would unnecessarily complicate the process for vendors and city employees alike.

[. . .]

This is a stretch

Isn't this, as the Star's "expert" contends, a blatant case of over-charging?

A legal expert on Tuesday questioned prosecutors' decision to charge an Indianapolis man with murder in the death of an IndyCar Series crew member who suffered a stroke after a bar fight.

[. . .]

Hot stuff

Another reason to like Angelina Jolie:

If anybody comes into my home and tries to hurt my kids, I've no problem shooting them." That's Angelina Jolie, revealing her up-with-the-Second-Amendment maternal instincts to Britain's Mail on Sunday.

[. . .]

Posted in: Current Affairs, Film

The race is on

Barack Obama: Democratic persidential candidate; about 18 million votes, or 6 percent of the American population.

John McCain: Republican presidential candidate; about 9.6 million votes, or 3 percent of the American population.

We have us a race -- the people have spoken!

Safe and sound

You know you live in a small town when . . .

The death of Robert Allen Marshall in his home on the Newton/Jasper County line, has left many in the community shocked and concerned. While there has been no one arrested in this case, Indiana State Police Detective Rick Bonesteel said, "This appears to be an isolated incident where that particular home or family was targeted. The community need not be in a panic or feel unsafe."

Deal those cards again

Energy boost

Never mind all that political blather -- this is important, and almost unbelievable:

Bortscheller, president of the Elk Point City Council, had invited about 250 supporters to an outdoor barbecue Tuesday to await the returns for arguably the most important election in Union County's history. The big crowd didn't leave disappointed.

Posted in: Current Affairs

Same old change

So this silly high school kid gives his valedictory address, which turns out to have been plagiarized -- from the Onion! But I read the speech, and there wasn't anything remotely funny about it. it sounded like every graduation speech ever given:

Don't touch!

This is big news?

Regular wiping of student desks and use of hand sanitizers during the school day can significantly reduce student illness and absenteeism, a new study shows.

On thin ice

It is to laugh -- I scoff at your silly hockey cup! It means nothing to me:

It seems Tiger Woods isn't much of a hockey fan.

Woods, the world's No. 1 golfer, told reporters Monday that he had no preference when it comes to who captures the Stanley Cup, the Detroit Red Wings or Pittsburgh Penguins.

"I don't really care," he said. "Let's talk about the Dodgers.

"I don't think anybody really watches hockey any more."

Posted in: All about me, Sports

Famous last words

Oh, yeah, sure, I believe that:

"I want to say also that this may be the last day I'm ever involved in a campaign of this kind," the former president told Clinton supporters in South Dakota, ABC and NBC reported on their news websites.

I believed Richard Nixon, too, when he said we wouldn't have him to kick around anymore.

On hold

 Perhaps limiting the items that can be put on hold to five is too strict, and the Allen County Public Library is being unreasonable. But wasn't the previous policy of allowing an unlimited number of items to be put on hold a little too generous? Home-schoolers don't think so:

A change in policy at the Allen County Public Library is causing concern among home-schoolers - and, as a result, the Allen County Commissioners.

Going for the record

This is chilling, isn't it?

A teenager accused of plotting a school attack wrote that he wanted "instant recognition" for shooting a record number of victims and that he wouldn't feel sorry about it, according to documents unsealed Tuesday.
