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Opening Arguments

Depraved indifference

Do we have to forgive juvenile misdeeds because the juveniles in question haven't been taught any better, or is it all right to call this kid a monster?

Police have arrested a 15-year-old boy in connection with the January shooting death of a horse in Franklin Township.

Military service

You know what distinguishes Fort Bliss from other military posts? If you said it's that soldiers under 21 could drink on base, you would have been right, until now:

Citing too many drunken-driving crashes and arrests and too many fights, the new commanding general has raised the drinking age on base from 18 to 21, bringing 17,000-soldier Fort Bliss into line with what has been the law in the rest of Texas since 1986.

Posted in: Current Affairs

Funny minus two

Yes, I know the thing about celebrity deaths coming in threes is one of those silly myths, but the myth does provide a way to think about things. For example, we've just had the death of Dick Martin, followed closely by the death of Harvey Korman. Which funny person do we put on the Death Watch? And can the world these days really stand to lose any more funny people? From Mel:

"A world without Harvey Korman - it's a more serious world," Brooks said in an AP interview.

Posted in: Current Affairs

Madly, deeply

Are you going to be disappointed with me over my disappointment at Hillary Clinton's disappointment that Barack Obama didn't flatly reject Father Phleger's comments and instead only said he was "deeply disappointed" by the pastor's remarks? After all, the priest now says he is "deeply sorry" if his remarks offended anyone. Here's CNN showing the video and "analyzing" whether it matters.

Helmets and belts

A couple of weeks ago, I did a post about The News-Sentinel's Jeff Wiehe getting grief from the bareheaded brigade when he noted in a story about two motorcycle fatalities that the victims were not wearing helmets. Now, Jeff has done a story about the terrible hit-and-run accident that claimed the life of a nurse on her way to work at Parkview Hospital. In that story, he observes:

Worry hurry

I wonder if I could find a stress clinic with a drive-thru service.

Posted in: All about me

Wild in the classroom

Be careful whom you go off on -- anybody is liable to be carrying a recorder these days:

The parents of a New Albany kindergarten student who secretly recorded his teacher making what the parents say were abusive comments told their story to a national TV audience today.

Spam, Spam, Spam, egg and Spam!

We can't even talk about this without taking a Monty Python refresher course afterward:

Love it, hate it or laugh at it—at least it's inexpensive.

Sales of Spam—that much maligned meat—are rising as consumers are turning more to lunch meats and other lower-cost foods to extend their already stretched food budgets.

[. . .]

Posted in: All about me

Book of lies

I was the editor of my high school yearbook, so naturally a story like this catches my eye:

Queen Creek Unified School District officials are reviewing policies and guidelines regarding student publications after several parents complained about the high school yearbook earlier this month.

A life well lived

OK, let's stop feeling sorry for ourselves, no matter how hard our lives have seemed. Just imagine having to hoe this row:

MEMPHIS, Tenn. - A woman who defied medical odds and spent nearly 60 years in an iron lung after being diagnosed with polio as a child died Wednesday after a power failure shut down the machine that kept her breathing, her family said.

The political stakes

Well, can't argue with this headline at slate.com: "Obama may or may not clinch the nomination next week":

Obama may or may not reach the 2,025 mark for winning the overall nomination by Tuesday. If not, he'll be very close.

The odds on everthing in the world are 50-50, aren't they? It will rain tomorrow, or it won't. The presidential campaign will make sense tomorrow, or it won't.

VAT of oil

Good lord, am I going to have to stop making fun of France?

French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Tuesday called for a cut in European oil taxes to help consumers as fishermen and truck drivers across the continent staged protests against soaring prices.

[. . .]

A growing enterprise

It's nice to know that at least one sector of the state's economy isn't contracting:

Lafayette employees working at City Hall on Columbia Street are so in need of more space, the city is considering buying a building down the street.

City officials are examining buying a building at 515 Columbia St. in downtown Lafayette because it could add much needed office, storage and meeting space. Plus, the building is close to City Hall.

The good bomb

Finally, what the world has needed -- a nice, friendly, cuddly, green bomb:

New explosives could be more powerful and safer to handle than TNT and other conventional explosives and would also be more environmentally friendly.

Kindle, Part 2

Recently, I linked to Megan McCardle's review of the Kindle, which she liked a lot, and she was so convincing I seriously thought about buying one. I didn't, though, and after reading Ann Althouse's take, I may have to think about it a little longer:

In between either and or

In logic, it's called bifurcation, the false-either/or dilemma. Here is the problem:

For nearly five decades, the United States has pursued a policy toward Cuba that could be described as incredibly stupid.

Urine trouble now

Posted in: All about me, Science

Ready for anything

Whenever I get too pessimistic about the future, I console myself with the knowledge that I haven't gone completely around the bend:

BUSKIRK, N.Y. - A few years ago, Kathleen Breault was just another suburban grandma, driving countless hours every week, stopping for lunch at McDonald's, buying clothes at the mall, watching TV in the evenings.

Stop and go

It's been a few years since the General Assembly voted against a pilot program for red-light cameras in 10 Indiana cities, but the idea just won't die. Lafayette is the latest city to consider the cameras:

The Lafayette Police Department wants to have cameras installed at as many as ten intersections throughout the city.  Sergeant Max Smith said after seeing the results from a 24 hour test camera at Kossuth and Main Streets, a "camera cop" is needed.

To the shores of Indy

Remember when Toledo's mayor freaked out about Marines training there and canceled the invitation because the city's residents might be a'skert of all those soldiers running around downtown? Indianapolis' mayor shows a little more class

:The Marines will land for two weeks of situational training. The expeditionary force of 2,300 troops will fire weapons, conduct patrols and react to ambushes in an unfamiliar urban environment.  

Posted in: Hoosier lore