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Hoosier lore

An eminent suggestion

What would you call a proposed bill to make it more expensive for state-sponsored universities to acquire land? How about "a good start"?

Ball State University spokesman Tony Proudfoot says the school opposes the bill because it changes the law for just one entity that can use eminent domain.

Couldn't agree more. Make it more expensive -- and much more difficult -- for all units of government in Indiana to acquire private property.

Gay days

Shockingly, no city in Indiana made advocate.com's list of "15 gayest cities in America." Of course, it may not be the most accurate list in the world considering what city it named the gayest of all:

The give-back blues

I don't want to irritate you or anything. But:

Indiana's state tax collections continue to run well ahead of a year ago, with last month's revenue nearly 5 percent greater than in December 2010.

Figures released Thursday by the State Budget Agency show that the nearly $1.2 billion collected was also $12 million more than what was projected in the state's most recent revenue forecast.

Yeah, he really was packing

I've been accused of forgetfulness from time to time, but I don't think I'd ever be this bad:

Hope hype

Posted in: Hoosier lore

Knock, knock

Good move, Governor:

The Statehouse security policy that caused public outcry and concerns that it would limit public access to state government lasted less than one morning.

Gov. Mitch Daniels rescinded the policy at 10:45 a.m. Wednesday, saying he would "restore the traditional unlimited access" to the building.

Picture this

Power to the people

We've never really had real home rule in Indiana. The state parcels out local control in dribs and drabs. Here's the latest favor they're thinking of granting us:

Shameless plug

If you want to hear a little political talk about the just-started session of the General Assembly, check out the annual legislative preview edition of WFWA Channel 39's "PrimeTime39." I know I know, that's the same time as "Jeopardy!" But there'll be a link at the PBS39 website if you want to watch it online on your own schedule. The usual panel will be there: Leo Morris of The News-Sentinel (hey, that's me!), Karen Francisco of The Journal Gazette and Andy Downs of the IPFW Downs Political Center. Bruce Haines of WFWA is the moderator.

Will we matter again?

The presidential primary in 2008 was a rarity for Indiana. The Democratic contest was still undecided by the time of our too-late-to-matter primary in May, so Hoosier votes were actively courted by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Could the same thing happen this year on the Republican side?
