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Hoosier lore

A small repair job

Tony Bennet has generally projected a "take it or leave it" attitude that falls just short of "I do not suffer you fools gladly." So it's interesting that he might have some regrets for his approach:

 Indiana's state schools superintendent says he has fences to mend following his push for sweeping education overhauls that legislators approved this year.

It's market day!

Nothing like pandering with a little cheap symbolism. Conservatives blasted President Obama this summer for launching his American jobs tour through the Midwest in a tour bus made with Canadian parts. Now, they're having to do some 'splainin' of their own:

By th

Back when he was campaigning hard for streamlining local government, Gov. Daniels made a point of talking about how many units and officials we have:

For its size and population, Indiana has far too much local government. Indiana has some 2,700 local units of government authorized to levy property taxes. Governing these units are more than 10,700 elected officials, 1,100 of whom assess property. Few other states have as much local government.”

The out-of-towner

I find this completely believable and plausible. Don't you find this completely reasonable and plausible? Don't you think most fair-minded people would find this completely believable and plausible?

Carmel City Attorney Doug Haney racked up hundreds of dollars in overnight hotel trips to Indianapolis seminars, instead of driving from his home in Carmel 40 minutes away.

[. . .]

Football follies

Well, there goes the last shred of good will I had for the Circle City's crazed embrace of the Super Bowl:

Indianapolis, IL, United States (AHN)

Metaphor in a coal mine

Hey, all you bloggers out there, be careful when you're tempted to get creative with well-known apothegms. On this story about next month's closing of two Hammond library branches, they put this headline:

The Library in the Coal Mine?

Get shot, OK?

Just a reminder:

Fevers. Chills. Aches and pains. They're all out there.

That's why health officials say now is the time get your flu shot.


Hoosier criminal genius of the week:

A Rensselaer man walked into the Lowell Indiana State Police post and told a sergeant he believed he was wanted on a warrant.

When police asked why he thought he was wanted last Thursday, the man allegedly rolled up his sleeves to reveal handcuffs on both wrists with the chain cut in the middle, officials said.

The fire is gone

But a passion for what?

— He was fiery, and he was funny, but when the Rev. Dr. Joseph E. Lowery got serious, he urged an Evansville audience Thursday night to be prepared to fight.

Speaking to the Evansville-Vanderburgh County Human Relations Commission Annual Dinner and Mayor's Celebration of Diversity Awards, Lowery said the passion with which activists fought during the civil rights struggles of the 1960s is needed now.

Tough call

The Atlantic turns to Indiana's GOP primary contest between longtime incumbent U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar and tea party-backed challenger state Treasurer Richard Mourdock:
