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Hoosier lore

Good job

Nothing like a little swift and vocal statewide outrage to get the General Assemly's attention:

INDIANAPOLIS — The top leaders in Indiana's Legislature support reversing a new law stripping the names of unopposed candidates from local election ballots.

War wounds

Drat. I found a really nice bunker buddy, but now they've stopped dropping the bombs. Dear Abby, should we stay friends or just go our separate ways?

With rising gas prices and a slowing economy, more residents of Indianapolis' Northside suburbs are looking to economize their daily commute to Downtown. The upshot? The area's carpool scene is booming.

"Truth hurts" department

Gov. Mitch Daniels' new book has passages bashing a part of the state I'm very familiar with:

But Daniels uses a few pages to take aim at Northwest Indiana, a region that has a decades-long loyalty to the Democratic Party. In one passage, Daniels writes about his futile attempt to make inroads in the region by bringing jobs.

Jeff's little joke

I don't want to say the Colts are dead this season, but isn't that a vulture waiting to swoop down and tear the flesh from the bones?

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Sports

Sure shot

The Greenwood police chief is trying to figure out how to get rid of six new fully automatic handguns that he says the department doesn't need and which he refuses to pay for because there's no record of the order and no one can determine why the guns were sent to the department in the first place.

Police Chief Rick McQueary says they're too dangerous to use for officers who must carefully consider every shot.

You know, I think most of us out here in civilian land would also

Strike two

Those who hoped the Indiana Supreme Court would rethink and perhaps soften its recent invalidation of the Castle Doctrine will be disappointed at this:

The Indiana Supreme Court on Tuesday reaffirmed its earlier ruling in a controversial case involving unlawful police entry.


Out of the (gun) closet

So the gun owner was within the law, but people were upset by his actions so he's the problem?

EVANSVILLE, Ind. (AP) — Police and a gun-rights expert say a man who caused a commotion by carrying a holstered handgun on his hip at Evansville's zoo was within his rights under Indiana law, which now largely prohibits local governments from limiting gun possession.

Winning's not enough

Smarter than the state

A growing number of Hoosier jurisdictions have been saying "Nuts!" to the state legislators who stupidly decided that unopposed candidates shouldn't be on election ballots. Now add Fort Wayne to the list:

Small bets

How magnanimous of the state:

The US poker players have been gravely affected by the Black Friday incident which took place in April, cutting off many spectacular poker tourney offers. Replacing them, is a tiny home game which proves to be a decent alternative and the Indiana Government has agreed to let go these small games and catch hold of many big gambling concerns instead.
