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Hoosier lore

Bitter tea

No offense to my sister, but what a bunch of idiots live in Indianapolis and actually sent this clown to Congress:

A top lawmaker in the Congressional Black Caucus says tea partiers on Capitol Hill would like to see African Americans hanging from trees and accuses the movement of wishing for a return to the Jim Crow era.

Gun gals

When this politician claims to be a straight shooter, believe her:

SANTA FE - New Mexico's pistol-packin' governor is a sure shot.

Gov. Susana Martinez received perfect scores on recertification for her concealed-carry permit over the weekend in Las Cruces. She scored 100 percent with both .38- and .45-caliber handguns, her staff said.

Martinez's permit to carry a concealed handgun, originally obtained in 2009, was extended for another two years.

RYO is the new DIY

Wasted trip

Well, good luck with that:

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - Republican presidential hopeful Jon Huntsman asked Indiana voters Monday night to assess him based on his work as a former governor and diplomat, and rebutted claims that he's too moderate for the GOP

[. . .]

Learning curve

More and more online courses are available at Indiana colleges and universities, and I've noticed Gov. Daniels has been all over TV lately with ads touting WGU Indiana, the state's newest university, which offers more than 50 accredited online bachelor's and master's programs. Somebody had better start ramping up the pitch a little, because the public apparently isn't buying it.

Hope springs a leak

The Indianapolis Colts are giving us a false sense of hope by taking Peyton Manning off hte "physically unable to play" list:

Manning himself puts little importance on his current consecutive played games streak. He wants to play, and play at a high level. 

Posted in: Hoosier lore, Science

Small-town thugs

The town of Burns Harbor, Ind., is being justifiably criticized for the law it enacted earlier this summer requiring non-residents to get fingerprinted, undero a criminal background check and get a $100 permit before they're allowed to make or sell anything in town, whether on the street, door-to-door or in a brick-and-mortar business:

Go along to get along

Andy Downs of the Mike Downs Center for Indiana Politics at IPFW has an opinion piece in the Indianapolis Star exploring the obvious but dismaying (to many) fact that "Public policies are the result of compromise."

For the record

With the greater availability of cheap recording devices and the growth of the "citizen journalist" movement, there are more and more clashes between authorities and those trying to document their activities.


Sometimes, a public outcry can have an effect:

Officials at Indianapolis International Airport are reconsidering a decision to take down a three-story sculptural painting and replace it with a video screen that will show advertising.

Plans had been to remove the glass-and-canvas piece called "Chrysalis" from the prominent spot over the main escalators where it has been since the airport's new passenger terminal opened in 2008.

Posted in: Hoosier lore